Wednesday, February 11, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat February 11 2015

[08:51] Crector: Hello SB 17.
[08:52] Sexy Beast 17: hello
[08:52] klemal: I can do that...just busy healing troops
[08:52] klemal: hang on
[08:54] klemal: sent my battle report too
[08:54] klemal: Hi SB
[08:55] Sexy Beast 17: hello
[08:55] Crector: Only downside to the Traveling Knights is that you don't get any Glory so I both  failed to get enough Glory to advance in theat area, but also failed to get the 70 activity point bonus.
[08:56] klemal: you can't win them all, boss
[08:56] Sexy Beast 17: we need more ships in the islands
[08:58] klemal: how do you all keep track of all  the activities in the other kingdoms? I have enough dealing with this one :o)
[09:01] klemal: now there's this Underworld sideshow
[09:02] Crector: Last month, I built 14 ships, thus far this month I've built 20
[09:02] Crector: The Underworld is a complete waste of time and resources
[09:03] klemal: I get why GGE does this stuff...they want to suck you in to as many places as they can and deplete your resources so you end up having to buy rubies to keep up
[09:04] klemal: it looks like a carnival in front of my main castle what with all those hucksters tents out there
[09:08] klemal: bbl, the real world needs my attention
[09:17] Crector: SB:  How do you beat lvl 20 Storm Forts.  Even with this new Autofill featuer, I can't defeat them.
[09:19] Sexy Beast 17: i stopped trying it is too costly it takes very strong troops and weapons
[09:21] Sexy Beast 17: go for level 10 they are hard to find but easy to beat
[09:21] Crector: Problem is that you can defeat a lvl 10 and still come away with hardly any aquamarine.
[09:22] Sexy Beast 17: i get my aqua marine by building and expanding walls
[09:23] Sexy Beast 17: i keep getting bumped off the game
[09:25] Crector: That's been happening a lot to both the colonel and myself lately.
[09:33] Crector: Problem with the building strategy is that on this latest quest, it calls for upgrading 8 towers to lvl 3 at p hours per upgrade.
[09:33] Crector: at 9 hours
[09:46] Sexy Beast 17: Upgrade your keep it speds up the constructions process
[09:49] Crector: ok.I will
[09:57] Asainminor101: I am getting rid of one of my out post so I can get one closer to my main castle does anyone have any good ones
[09:57] Crector: don't you lose troops when you transfer them to Storm Islands?
[09:58] Asainminor101: their locations
[10:02] Crector: I kicked rickdockins for being about 10 days not playing.  His outpost is at 463:283
[10:02] Sexy Beast 17: no but it is expensive to transfer troops
[10:04] Asainminor101: I meant empty ones so I can take over them tomorrow sorry
[10:04] Crector: What do you mean by empty?  Ones that are unclaimed?
[10:05] Asainminor101: yes
[10:05] Asainminor101: yes
[10:07] Crector: 466:292
[10:07] Crector: That's a Food 6 OP.  Those are about the very best for building up a war machine.
[10:08] Crector: 469:291
[10:08] Crector: That's a Wood 8 OP.  If you want to get a lot of wood, tht's your best bet.
[10:10] Asainminor101: thanks ill go with the wood cause I already have a food 6
[10:11] Crector: ok
[10:13] Crector: better hurry then, these resource 8 op's go pretty fast.
[10:16] Crector: 416:365 is where there is another Food 6 OP.
[10:18] Crector: There's another half a dozen or so unclaimed op's in its vicinity.  Write this doen just in case you can't get that Wood 8 op.
[10:48] Sexy Beast 17: bbl
[11:11] klemal: Crector, who did you attack to lose honor? Or were you attacked?
[11:16] klemal: bbiab
[11:30] Crector: I was attacked

[19:55] Clawinater: Hmmm thee is, but we can onyaccess them during class
[19:55] Clawinater: Dang chat lag
[19:56] klemal: is it cooking already, Crec tor?
[19:56] Clawinater: Anyways I'm off for now see you guys late
[19:56] Clawinater: *later
[19:56] klemal: I likke the one you handed me this morning
[19:56] Korndogg: later
[19:56] klemal: bye
[19:58] Crector: Is what cooking?  Turn your comp off for a few mnutes and then start it up should work better wiothout lag.
[20:01] klemal: that castle is pristine
[20:02] klemal: I can run a spy after I collect taxes
[20:03] klemal: he's got a wine fountain in the middle of his cool is that?
[20:04] Crector: Never seen that before....
[20:05] Crector: I;m trying to spy on him right now....50% chance of failure.
[20:06] Korndogg: brb
[20:07] klemal: how many spies do you have
[20:07] klemal: this guy will be easy
[20:08] Crector: failure
[20:08] Crector: 3 spies.
[20:08] klemal: I have fifteen
[20:08] klemal: I can get 100%
[20:08] klemal: 7% chance of getting caught
[20:09] klemal: wait till I collect taxes
[20:09] klemal: 15 minutes if I want it all
[20:10] klemal: I like to do 98% as it almost guarantees success no matter what
[20:10] klemal: I'm telling u Crector, I want Dianais power
[20:11] klemal: has she ever failed?
[20:11] Crector: I seem to remember her failing once.
[20:12] klemal: not a bad average
[20:13] klemal: as soon as the money comes I'll run them up there and post it
[20:15] klemal: he must'ev been attacked recently as there is one tower burning....sabs don't burn towers
[20:16] klemal: he's looking for a alliance Crector
[20:17] Crector: He doesn't have a pyurple button saying he wants an alliance.
[20:18] klemal: you're right...the guy is crazy trying to go it alone
[20:20] Crector: Even if he were looking for n allince, the fact that willie33 does not have a bloack dot by his name prevents me from opening up a roster spot to let him in.
[20:21] klemal: willie hasn't been back since his first session
[20:21] klemal: hey, this guy is right by castle Neuschwanstein
[20:22] klemal: Neuschwancestein
[20:22] klemal: whatever....sisivon bayern
[20:23] Crector: willie has an red dot my his name....not been gone too long.
[20:25] klemal: okay...u have to wait 18 minutes, I didn't want to spend the xtra coin for horses
[20:25] klemal: he hasn
[20:26] klemal: 'tbeen here long enough to be gone long enough
[20:27] klemal: Korndogg, find a target yet?
[20:27] Crector: revengenow
[20:28] Korndogg: nope
[20:31] Crector: Why not revengenow ?
[20:32] klemal: how about batman77
[20:33] klemal: Batman77
[20:36] Korndogg: i could  hit either revenge is closer

[20:42] klemal: there you go Crector
[20:47] Crector: King Vinny is clearly inactuive.
[20:48] klemal: I don't think so
[20:48] Crector: He was i  Dark Legion, one of the strongest indeendent alliances in our area.
[20:48] klemal: I think he just rebuilt after a attack
[20:48] klemal: and his troops got slughtered
[20:48] Crector: He has hardly any troops.
[20:48] klemal: he has one tower buning yet
[20:48] klemal: so he's been working on it
[20:49] klemal: maybe he has a few at his op's
[20:49] klemal: he sure is down at his main tho
[20:49] klemal: u see that tower fire?
[20:49] klemal: clearly from a attck
[20:50] klemal: He;s a sitting duck right now
[20:51] klemal: he obviously works hard at keeping his castle together
[20:51] klemal: didn't look at his op's tho
[20:52] klemal: his Northern op is on fire
[20:54] Crector: willie33 has been in this alliance for a long time...he was one of my very first recruits.
[20:55] klemal: Vinny's south op is aflame but on the mend
[20:56] klemal: yes...but if they are going to be absent, they should let you know, you know?
[20:56] klemal: he isn't doing the alliance any good by being awol
[20:57] klemal: these guys are the ones that complain when they come back and their main is on fire
[20:57] klemal: Elsie Whiting of the Knights is somewhat of a novice...and she will contact the officers everytime she has to be off a few days
[20:58] klemal: she still conatacts me for advice
[20:59] klemal: to me, if someone can't log in once a day or three or four times a week just to check on their own stuff....they aren't doing any good for the rest of the alliance
[21:00] Crector: She's unusual...remember M. came up witht eh idea of taking this alliance over and putting the semiactives in here, although only 2 of them actually came over...SB and the Colonel, both of whome have become more active,
[21:01] Crector: Originaklly, we were to try to get the likes of DH7, Laura, Supreme Ruler and EmeraldQueen over here...hardly and full time players there.
[21:02] klemal: yes...veteran players can afford to be a little inactive...but novices need to be with the program or they and the alliance will never prosper
[21:03] klemal: we are here to lead the newbies
[21:03] klemal: its just like playing hooky from school
[21:03] klemal: I have to refresh
[21:06] Crector: The irony here is that the only reason why I've done all this recruiting is that hardly and=y of the semiactives actually came here...although Dianais was active, but becoame semiacive once coming here.
[21:06] klemal: ok  better

[21:21] klemal: yeah, I think you're right
[21:21] klemal: I saw it that way too...till I asked :o)
[21:21] Crector: Prior to this game, with but 3 exceptions, all the female players I knoew had distinctly female names like Amazonia and Fluffy Bunny
[21:22] klemal:'d think they'd want to be a little more visible
[21:22] klemal: we could use a few here
[21:23] klemal: did you know that Dholl is female?
[21:24] klemal: watch, Dianais or SB will log in and think we are sexist pigs
[21:24] klemal: maybe they already think that of me anyway...
[21:25] klemal: oops, there's Dianais now...said mr. hoof and mouth
[21:27] klemal: helloooo
[21:27] Crector: Have to go for 10 minutes or so.
[21:27] klemal: oh sure...leave now
[21:29] klemal: nice loot, great glory Dianais
[21:29] Dianais: hi k.
[21:29] klemal: Crector and I were discussing inactives in the alliance
[21:29] Dianais: I saw your getting honor from your targets. Good deals.
[21:30] klemal: I think if folks can't log on at least once a day or half the days of the week to check on their ow stuff, that they aren't helping the alliance much
[21:31] klemal: I lost 217 honor in that attack the other night...have to start getting some back
[21:31] klemal: should pick up about 73 honor tonite
[21:33] klemal: Dianais, who is running the Knights lately?
[21:33] Dianais: They aren't helping their own position either.
[21:33] klemal: exactly
[21:33] klemal: dead weight
[21:34] Dianais: I understand it can happen. You overstrained with work, or traveling, if so you advice and it's ok for me. But if not the situation and you are not logging on with a min freq, then it's probably not the game for you.
[21:34] klemal: I look at a lot of other alliances rules and if a player isn't active for one week, they're gone
[21:35] Dianais: Yes, they refer to no black dots. It's not a bad rule, once a week is itself a poor participation.
[21:35] klemal: I told Crector that they could at least let him know if they are going inactive for a time
[21:35] Dianais: Yes, that should be in the rules, I will edit them.
[21:36] klemal: Are you getting a yen to return to the homeland?
[21:37] klemal: I kind of like it here
[21:37] klemal: a little unstable but thats what makes it fun
[21:39] Dianais: I need to go back, to push others players into here, see how the things are going over there, and jump to a couple of alliances to take a look. But I have been short of time of lately, so jumping over there would not had make any difference.
[21:39] klemal: and that attack the other day was kind of my fault....poor f4f got caught up in it ad then messaged them to ask them why they did it
[21:40] klemal: they said one of us attacked they just went ballistic
[21:40] Dianais: Who is them? Us?
[21:40] klemal: I sabotaged the guy who got me....some satisfaction anyway
[21:40] klemal: them is was me
[21:41] Dianais: Ah, ok. Yes, I know.
[21:41] Dianais: Them are quiet now.
[21:42] klemal: yeah, they got their honor and loot and glory
[21:42] klemal: they are all clustered together in one place...hard to senak up on them
[21:42] Crector: Problem is that if we got some more of the semiactives to come over here, who would we drop to make some good recruits here.
[21:43] Dianais: If we have a good roll list here
[21:43] Dianais: ... then I am for preserving it.
[21:43] Dianais: And going for a second sub.
[21:43] Crector: No, I didn't know that Dholl is a female...she's not with STONECOLD any mro...same alliance as M.
[21:44] Dianais: Anyway, there is room main in the main, so we are not in difficult situation.
[21:45] Dianais: Mmmm. No, Dholl is still in SC, same that M is still in Knights. But they are helping in a friendly alliance for a while.
[21:45] Crector: From wjat I've heard, tio only costs 375 rubies to start a new alliance, I could pay that.  Problem is if I left here to start a new sub, then who would take over here?
[21:46] Crector: Or are you suggesting that we could move the best recruits here over to Knights whie taking in the klikes of DH7 & Chlo-Chlo?

[21:47] Dianais: Staring a sub from zero it's probably not a problem. But getting a sub from a failed alliance, for instance, saves time and resources.
[21:48] klemal: to really doesn't matter except for the fact that movement is a good thing as it motivates folks who tend to be more inactive than others
[21:48] klemal: look at the colonel and SB
[21:49] Dianais: Who could take over the leader function is part of your tasks here. Profile and select a good candidate. Even if you weren't going to leave, you can use help when not online for a while for any personal reason.
[21:49] klemal: it probably helps to have novices around who are capable of getting us into wars with small motivates people
[21:50] klemal: I think The colonel has been coming on strong as of late, ad he's got the rank
[21:51] klemal: might motivate him more to take it on....isn't he a deputy?
[21:51] klemal: no, that's will
[21:51] klemal: oops, will is treasurer
[21:51] Crector: and Dianais...Have always thought that Dianais would make a good alliance leader.
[21:51] klemal: shows how much I pay attention
[21:52] klemal: of course, but who would be the glue that binds all of us together then
[21:52] Crector: The colonel has had comp problems as has SB
[21:53] klemal: I see Dianais point in being a roving ambassador
[21:53] Crector: You could be a leader, klemal
[21:53] klemal: not enough rank
[21:53] klemal: it looks good to have  some rank at the top
[21:53] klemal: even if they have to be propped up so to speak
[21:54] Dianais: I would go for it if I had the time... as it is, I prefer deputy or diplomat, with more freedom of movement, and not tied to a difficult time commitment.
[21:55] klemal: and you are so good at putting these things together
[21:55] klemal: Crector, we still have work to do on this alliance
[21:55] Crector: yes
[21:55] klemal: more weeding needs to be done
[21:56] klemal: we should keep at least one spot open too
[21:57] klemal: Dianais said she was going to amend our that will help explain to the rest that they can't just treat the alliance like a revolving door
[21:57] Crector: Problem is that Knights has hardly done any recruiting.
[21:58] klemal: we need a open slot for captures...or I guess someone could switch places
[21:58] klemal: bbiab
[21:59] Dianais: Yes, but part of it is you and k and myself here, M elsewhere. I believe we will have more members in main soon.
[22:01] Crector: Are there any alliances that you want to try to take over as we did with the Mars League?
[22:02] Dianais: We had monkey investigating one, but I lost the track.
[22:04] Crector: He's back in Knights.
[22:05] Dianais: Aha. Need to retake the thread and talk with monkey.
[22:05] Dianais: afk.
[22:06] Crector: Have something to do, so I'll go afk too.
[22:09] klemal: kodey's castle is burning got hit hard
[22:20] Crector: back
[22:21] Crector: kodey made it clear that she was only ging to be a part time player so much so I'd drop willie33 before her.

[22:24] klemal: kodey has been on just about every day....the castle defenses probably sucked
[22:36] Crector: SB says that she's given up on attacking lvl 20 Storm Forts because even  when nyou defeatg them, the price is too high.
[22:36] Crector: Dianais:  When are you going to get at building boats?
[22:41] Dianais: I will be sending the attack force to capture aquamarine islands pretty soon.
[22:46] Crector: You mean Resource Isoands?
[22:47] Dianais: Yup, just so.
[22:47] Crector: Hello, Colonel Did you see that SB finally made lvl 63?
[22:48] Crector: I'vde only seen 1 player occupying a Resource Island, a guy in Egghead's alliance.
[22:50] ColonelDicJr: good for her
[22:51] ColonelDicJr: she is not on fire so did she make it on attacks or building
[22:52] Crector: Attack
[22:53] ColonelDicJr: who did she attack to get 747 glory
[22:53] Crector: She picked up 747 Glory on one attack
[22:53] Crector: She had 2-3 attacks going simultaenously...don't know whichone resulted in all that Glory.
[22:54] Crector: I'll msg her to post that report to the alliance.
[23:02] klemal: This tart is offering me 100 rubies and 5200 coins to attack a ally
[23:08] Crector: shady character?
[23:14] klemal: of course
[23:14] klemal: wants me to take out SF THERASCAL
[23:15] klemal: little Helkat
[23:15] klemal: my neighbor no less
[23:22] Crector: MorrisPack626 has fallen into ruins...victim fo the Server War no doubt.
[23:25] klemal: those ruins are sad looking aren't they?
[23:28] ColonelDicJr: where is he i dont find that name
[23:31] klemal: a message from  kokojak: go back befor my grop start do you anderestand
[23:32] klemal: I guess the war horn went off
[23:32] Crector: MorrisPack526
[23:33] Crector: One of his ops is 453:372
[23:33] Crector: Still in his IF:Elite alliance.
[23:34] klemal: I may as well stay up and see if I am going to win this battle
[23:35] klemal: this idiot thinks I can turn back?
[23:36] Crector: Did he msg you?
[23:36] klemal: yea//hes attacking kodey in ice again
[23:37] klemal: I quote:go back befor my grop start do you anderestand
[23:39] klemal: sounds like a commiie to me
[23:43] ColonelDicJr: well good night everyone
[23:44] Crector: god night
[23:46] Dianais: nite.
[23:46] klemal: gn

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