Saturday, September 27, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Alliance Chat Sept. 27 2014

[21:06] Crector: GARYM:  Any word from Darkn Lady?
[21:14] ItsNotPersonal7: idk i just wanted to
[21:17] GARYM: darkn lady said why did they declare war and send me a picture
[21:17] GARYM: she isnt going to help
[21:17] ItsNotPersonal7: aaa darn it
[21:20] Crector: Disappointing.
[21:23] ItsNotPersonal7: guys can i plz get some food
[21:24] Crector: How much?
[21:24] ItsNotPersonal7: as much as you can give me
[21:24] ItsNotPersonal7: /or as much as you want
[21:24] Crector: Why do you have so few farms?  Not to mention 3 taverns already?
[21:25] ItsNotPersonal7: i got no room to biuld them and i dont have the resourses
[21:25] ItsNotPersonal7: im upgrading towers also
[21:26] Crector: You made poor choices with the space and resources that you had availabel and now you are constantly asking for handouts.
[21:26] ItsNotPersonal7: no i asked 4 times since i joined
[21:27] ItsNotPersonal7: what?
[21:27] Dianais: You will need to support your own forces. You will have to put priority  to expand the castle and build farmhouses.
[21:27] Crector: I'm sending you 1,000 food.
[21:28] Crector: Plz don't ask again for food.
[21:28] ItsNotPersonal7: /but i have no gems to do so and i have to be level 14 to expaned the walls sorry for asking for resourses
[21:29] Crector: I'm lvl 32 and have only 1 tqavern.  Why did you build 3 taverns at your level?
[21:29] ItsNotPersonal7: i thought that is what a alliance is for helping out eachother
[21:29] Crector: Yes, but you also have to think before you build.
[21:30] Dianais: There are always many choices to upgrade... need to work out an equilibrated path.
[21:30] ItsNotPersonal7: so i have more theafs for esponag sorry  i dont know how to spell that
[21:30] ItsNotPersonal7: what does that mean
[21:32] Dianais: Building farmhouses before taberns...
[21:32] ItsNotPersonal7: im sorry for asking for resourses but that is what a alliance is fore right?
[21:32] ItsNotPersonal7: for
[21:35] Crector: The alliance also has a right to expect that you think before you act.  I've been playing this game for over 3 months nad have never asked anyone for food.
[21:36] Crector: You could instead discharge the number of troops that you need to avoid running out of food.
[21:36] ItsNotPersonal7: it does not matter if you have not asked for food but i give stuff away when other ask for it
[21:37] Crector: Yes it does matter because if I can do it, then you can do it too.
[21:38] ItsNotPersonal7: it is not just you i give stuff to i give a lot of stuff to people who need it
[21:38] ItsNotPersonal7: /and sometimes for gifts
[21:39] Crector: Until your problems are fixed, then act selfishly as Ayn Rand would have said.
[21:40] ItsNotPersonal7: just trying to be nice to the alliance by giving stuff and not complaining to them for asking  btw im not selffish i like to donate cuz it mackes me feel good
[21:41] Crector: I can afford to donate to others.  You can't.
[21:44] ItsNotPersonal7: i can it just takes time for me to get it back  when i ask for resourses  but people complan because i dont have enought farms or to much tavers why do you think in asking for wood and stone and food ... so i can get the stuff
[21:44] ItsNotPersonal7: like farms
[21:45] ItsNotPersonal7: btw who is Aynrand
[21:47] Crector: Look up Ayn Rand on a search engine or on Wikipedia.  There must be at least a million webpages with stuff about her.
[21:47] ItsNotPersonal7: o
[21:52] ItsNotPersonal7: anyway i got to go bye
[21:52] Crector: bye.

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