Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept. 22 2014 U.S. Armed Forces Chat

[19:19] Crector: Have you read the preceding stuff in Chat or gotten any messages from Whiplash about the problem with Elite Reich?
[19:20] GARYM: yes i have sent lee_41 a message about allowing attacks on axe outposts
[19:20] Crector: Good.
[19:22] Crector: There was another ER member SSGJr who was in ruins and had 2 outposts who remained in ER until all of a sudden both his ruins and outposts disappeared right off the map.
[19:23] Crector: bbl
[19:28] Crector: GaryM:  Did youo get the message I sent you regarding the U.S. Navy Seals?
[19:28] Crector: you
[19:32] Crector: Hav to go for a bit...the Bears are growling.
[20:04] LisaDaisyAnn: hi
[20:12] Scromithe: NEED BREAD BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:14] LisaDaisyAnn: i sent u some
[20:33] Crector: Message from Lee_41:   Just letting you know .... if war is declared on us by your alliance.... I dont think it will but if it is declared we are sending the first 50 attacks at youso .... we are kinda hoping it happenshaha
[20:33] Crector: Has Lee_41 sent replied to your message or to Whiplash's message, GaryM?
[21:23] GARYM: prepare for war because if i dont get the answer i want we are going to war
[21:25] Crector: Have you contacted any of the other LOF alliances about helping us just in case?
[21:27] GARYM: no but contact anyone you know because we are about to go to war
[21:28] Crector: One thing that I remember from my time in ER is that Lee_41 said that he was not afraid of any single alliance, but he was afraid of what might happen if any of what he called "aggregations" such as AOD, KON or LOF made war on his alliance.  If you can make it clear to him that he faces a lot more than he can handle, he might back down.
[21:32] Crector: Also, if we do go to war, the best time to hit them is at 2-4 AM because I can remember the Masters of Chaos giving him coniptons because they were able to hit several ER castles  becase all of the ER members were asleep.
[21:33] Crector: Jusat huit Lvl 31.
[21:33] Crector: just hit
[21:36] GARYM: i sent a message to leader of LOF legion v to see if they will support us
[21:38] Crector: Is it a given that our sub alliances  wil support us?
[21:41] Crector: You do decide to go war, I'd suggest waiting 24 hours to allow the membership time to build up and for Lee_42 to perhaps come to his senses.
[21:42] Crector: If
[21:42] Crector: I'll send you some.
[21:46] GARYM: if we go to war it will probably be at night and we will need to get promises of support
[21:47] Crector: ok...sounds like a plan.
[21:56] Rust_Nail: why are we going to war?
[22:01] Rust_Nail: hello
[22:01] Rust_Nail: anyone there
[22:02] Crector: An ER member attacked the ruins of one of our members.  Its not a given yet that we will actually go to war.
[22:05] Rust_Nail: Ohh
[22:05] Rust_Nail: is that bad attacking a ruin
[22:12] Crector: They don't want  us to attack the ruins of their members.
[22:15] Rust_Nail: ok
[22:15] Rust_Nail: I dont understand
[22:16] Crector: It is conceivable that if a players whose castle is in ruis comes back, then the castle can be reborn.  I  know of one case where tht happened.
[22:16] Crector: that
[22:20] Rust_Nail: I dont know
[22:20] Rust_Nail: Is it a big alliance we are going to war with
[22:22] Crector: Yes.
[22:22] Rust_Nail: any guys my level
[22:23] Rust_Nail: why are they going after you
[22:23] Crector: one.
[22:25] LisaDaisyAnn: what did you do to them?
[22:27] Crector: Probably because well before I joined this alliance, I was the leader of the Blitz II sub alliance of the original Blitz alliance.  For some reason, ite leader Bleeding THC came to believe that I was the reason why his fantasy of creating a LOF tyoe "Blitz Empie' and he has hated me ever since.  He is now a member of Elite Reich and from what I understand he has been constantly agitating against me from the mement that he joined ER to now,
[22:27] Crector: type Empire
[22:31] Crector:
[22:36] LisaDaisyAnn: Sounds like an ass
[22:39] Crector: That's one way of describing him.

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