Tuesday, September 9, 2014

FS No Mercy Alliance Chat Sept 9, 2014

[18:17] Mighty Lioness: k will see all soon
[18:17] Mighty Lioness: byeeeeeee
[18:20] xXSamuriKingXx: hello
[19:05] xXSamuriKingXx: anyone?
[19:06] Sarah OScarlet: yeah
[19:06] xXSamuriKingXx: oh hi
[19:06] xXSamuriKingXx: do u watch tennis?
[19:07] Sarah OScarlet: no
[19:07] xXSamuriKingXx: cuz i am right now
[19:07] xXSamuriKingXx: i am just checking in
[19:07] xXSamuriKingXx: im upgrading storages yay
[19:08] xXSamuriKingXx: ill check in again in like a few minutes
[19:09] Sarah OScarlet: AFK ... out the door
[19:10] xXSamuriKingXx: ok bye
[19:12] xXSamuriKingXx: wood anyone???
[19:14] xXSamuriKingXx: anyone plz i need wood
[20:38] DarkRogue: Thanks for the rss Thad was much needed...:)
[08:52] DarkRogue: Hiya diddley dee
[15:15] Mighty Lioness: hey Rogue
[15:23] DarkRogue: Greetings Gates
[15:24] Mighty Lioness: what's up with you
[15:24] DarkRogue: my hair...and yourself??
[15:25] Mighty Lioness: lol your hair ???
[15:26] DarkRogue: you asked me,"What's up with you?" and I looked and it's my hair that's up
[15:27] Mighty Lioness: are you doing the underworld ???
[15:28] DarkRogue: been trying but I keep running out of troops, tools, supplies...
[15:28] Mighty Lioness: me too
[15:28] DarkRogue: Sos is killing it..LOL..
[15:33] Mighty Lioness: ok sorry gtg for a bit --- bb soon
[15:33] DarkRogue: See ya
[16:54] xXSamuriKingXx: hello? just finished with homework
[17:03] Sarah OScarlet: hi
[17:06] DarkRogue: Hiya everyone..running back and forth..
[17:07] DarkRogue: Sos this game lied you're getting attacked by RBs and you shouldn't be if you beat up the RB kingy thingie type dude
[17:10] Sarah OScarlet: haven't done it lately .. they getting even fr 19 rbs yesterday on the trav knights
[17:11] DarkRogue: ahh cause they had it up yesterday...
[17:12] DarkRogue: figured you'd have kicked butt on it faster than I did..LOL..
[17:12] Sarah OScarlet: only thing I worked on was the knights ... had my hands full
[17:12] DarkRogue: coo..coo...
[17:13] Sarah OScarlet: saw your attack ... did a double take ... lol thought it said BIG bunny
[17:14] DarkRogue: heehee...Yeah ruins been watching this one for a bit today noted it was ruins...
[17:15] DarkRogue: I also kinda went a little nuts on that dude Thad tossed over the weekend..3 attacks 2 days..first attack the main was only a little on fire..now it makes the burning of Rome look tame...
[17:16] Sarah OScarlet: you meanies
[17:18] DarkRogue: yea well he's not with a group yet so fair game then again he can always come back agfter me too..LOL..
[17:51] xXSamuriKingXx: hello?
[18:43] xXSamuriKingXx: HELLO?
[18:49] xXSamuriKingXx: hello?
[19:23] xXSamuriKingXx: anyone at all?
[19:34] xXSamuriKingXx: oh my god, anyine????
[19:50] hftrex: I'm here.

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