Monday, September 15, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Alliance Chat Sept. 14th-15th 2014

20:35] Crector: So in this alliance, a deputy can make the war decision without involving the leader or the membership?
[20:40] DAlex: chlo-chlo - viscount wyman is stealing your RV on ice.  I am 888 away and cant make it.
[20:41] DAlex: opps, see I was late to the party.
[20:43] Whiplash: we have declared war on the alliance of a guy in ice who is stealing chlo rv you should be able to see my attack iwant him hit hard
[20:48] Whiplash: i sent you all a spy report on his castle in ice we cant let him get away with this or they and others will steal our rv we said this is an act of war and it is
[20:50] Rust_Nail: Crector why do all your questions sound like you disagree with something?
[20:50] Rust_Nail: LOL
[20:50] Rust_Nail: obviousy the deputy can declare war he just did
[20:52] Crector: Problem is that I jusat got into the Ice Realm on Thursday and only have 40 troopers...spearmen & bowmen.
[20:52] Rust_Nail: ahh
[20:53] Rust_Nail: just lay low and dont react to the war delcaration
[20:53] Rust_Nail: I dont think we have to attack
[20:53] Rust_Nail: If we are able we can without worrying about anything
[20:53] Crector: Also, all of CC's castles are a long ways off from where I am.
[20:54] Rust_Nail: there are some low level ones around me
[20:54] Rust_Nail: 2 of them
[20:55] Rust_Nail: gotta go
[20:55] Rust_Nail: watching the bears niners
[20:56] Crector: Yes...sad sack Bears with their $126 Mil. QB Cutler.
[20:57] DarkHorse7: attack on the way
[21:04] GARYM: you heard our deputy we are at war.  Pick your target and attack
[21:04] GARYM: crector his is your chance to attack some attive players
[21:57] fart4fun: how do I take out 73 armed citizans?
[22:00] Whiplash: melee troops are the best
[22:22] fart4fun: how many mace?
[22:28] fart4fun: mail me answer please because i gtg2 bed
[23:30] DAlex: gtg
[23:53] PariahXen: Crector...who are we warring against? I don't have anybody to send but will send moral support.
[23:59] ColonelDicJr: good night
[00:08] Whiplash: good night
[00:24] Crector: 533:124
[00:24] Crector: An allliance with members who are all a far distance from any of us.
[00:24] Crector: Long distance warfare.
[01:25] Crector: Against my better judgment, sending 120 light troops to attack an outpost belonging to the miscreant who attacked chlo-chlo's Ice RV.  Hope this works.
[07:11] General 313: good morning
[09:54] GARYM: good morning
[10:48] noc: morning
[13:10] Crector: According to the Travel Overview, I seem to be the only one fighting this war.
[13:45] DarkHorse7: hope it stays quiet
[17:53] Crector: It appears that wyman has been kicked out of his alliance.
[17:54] Crector: Perhaps we could recruit him into the fold
[18:00] Crector: Plz don';t accept any peace offers that don't include any tribute.
[18:48] DAlex: eve'nin
[19:00] PariahXen: Crap...just lost 35  dwordsmen to RB raid.
[19:43] Crector: Why has nobody else in this alliance made any use of the spy reports that I've done about the enemy's outposts?
[20:35] fart4fun: all of the reports are very far away from me
[20:39] Crector: They are far away from me to, but that has not stopped me from launching expeditions  against them.
[20:41] fart4fun: ok. ill try. right now im working on a level ten with 60ish soldiers right next to me.
[20:52] Crector: So now we've wimped ouit of the war just when it was getting interesting.

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