As you may recall, about 3 weeks ago, I expressed interest in joining your alliance, but ultimately wound up joining Elite Reich, However, after learning, among other things, that the Reich was running at least 2 multis ( bo jangles and Tj2 ) to spy on other alliances, I felt that I no longer wished to remain with the Reich and left it.
I then joined the "LOF:Mars League" thinking that it was a legitimate LOF alliance only to discover that it was basically dead in the water with a more or less inactive leader. Even worse, I was informed by Darkn Lady of the main LOF alliance that the Mars League has no relation with LOF whatsoever.
At first, I tried to apply for some of the other LOF alliances but after getting no real response, I recalled that your alliance was originally called LOF Blood or something like that.
Questiion: May I join your alliance?
Thank yu for your consideration,
Charles Rector aka Crector
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