Saturday, September 27, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Alliance Chat Sept. 27 2014

[21:06] Crector: GARYM:  Any word from Darkn Lady?
[21:14] ItsNotPersonal7: idk i just wanted to
[21:17] GARYM: darkn lady said why did they declare war and send me a picture
[21:17] GARYM: she isnt going to help
[21:17] ItsNotPersonal7: aaa darn it
[21:20] Crector: Disappointing.
[21:23] ItsNotPersonal7: guys can i plz get some food
[21:24] Crector: How much?
[21:24] ItsNotPersonal7: as much as you can give me
[21:24] ItsNotPersonal7: /or as much as you want
[21:24] Crector: Why do you have so few farms?  Not to mention 3 taverns already?
[21:25] ItsNotPersonal7: i got no room to biuld them and i dont have the resourses
[21:25] ItsNotPersonal7: im upgrading towers also
[21:26] Crector: You made poor choices with the space and resources that you had availabel and now you are constantly asking for handouts.
[21:26] ItsNotPersonal7: no i asked 4 times since i joined
[21:27] ItsNotPersonal7: what?
[21:27] Dianais: You will need to support your own forces. You will have to put priority  to expand the castle and build farmhouses.
[21:27] Crector: I'm sending you 1,000 food.
[21:28] Crector: Plz don't ask again for food.
[21:28] ItsNotPersonal7: /but i have no gems to do so and i have to be level 14 to expaned the walls sorry for asking for resourses
[21:29] Crector: I'm lvl 32 and have only 1 tqavern.  Why did you build 3 taverns at your level?
[21:29] ItsNotPersonal7: i thought that is what a alliance is for helping out eachother
[21:29] Crector: Yes, but you also have to think before you build.
[21:30] Dianais: There are always many choices to upgrade... need to work out an equilibrated path.
[21:30] ItsNotPersonal7: so i have more theafs for esponag sorry  i dont know how to spell that
[21:30] ItsNotPersonal7: what does that mean
[21:32] Dianais: Building farmhouses before taberns...
[21:32] ItsNotPersonal7: im sorry for asking for resourses but that is what a alliance is fore right?
[21:32] ItsNotPersonal7: for
[21:35] Crector: The alliance also has a right to expect that you think before you act.  I've been playing this game for over 3 months nad have never asked anyone for food.
[21:36] Crector: You could instead discharge the number of troops that you need to avoid running out of food.
[21:36] ItsNotPersonal7: it does not matter if you have not asked for food but i give stuff away when other ask for it
[21:37] Crector: Yes it does matter because if I can do it, then you can do it too.
[21:38] ItsNotPersonal7: it is not just you i give stuff to i give a lot of stuff to people who need it
[21:38] ItsNotPersonal7: /and sometimes for gifts
[21:39] Crector: Until your problems are fixed, then act selfishly as Ayn Rand would have said.
[21:40] ItsNotPersonal7: just trying to be nice to the alliance by giving stuff and not complaining to them for asking  btw im not selffish i like to donate cuz it mackes me feel good
[21:41] Crector: I can afford to donate to others.  You can't.
[21:44] ItsNotPersonal7: i can it just takes time for me to get it back  when i ask for resourses  but people complan because i dont have enought farms or to much tavers why do you think in asking for wood and stone and food ... so i can get the stuff
[21:44] ItsNotPersonal7: like farms
[21:45] ItsNotPersonal7: btw who is Aynrand
[21:47] Crector: Look up Ayn Rand on a search engine or on Wikipedia.  There must be at least a million webpages with stuff about her.
[21:47] ItsNotPersonal7: o
[21:52] ItsNotPersonal7: anyway i got to go bye
[21:52] Crector: bye.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chat Conv. with Dianais About Outposts Sept. 26 2014

[00:49] Dianais: Then the castellan can put attack in the first wave, to clean up survivors, but defense in all remaining waves.
[00:49] Dianais: The attack previous to the occupation needs to wipe out defenses...
[00:50] Dianais: If not the castellan will suffer defeat.
[00:50] Dianais: Alternate, you send a castellan with good attack strength to wipe out defenses...
[00:50] Crector: From my past experience, it seems that armies with a castellan move at the rate of 1 mile per hour and since the nearest of the 2 outposts available is 115 miles away, that it might take 115 hours for the army with castellan to reach it.  Am I right in that?
[00:51] Dianais: and immediately send defense support to avoid capture by a rival.
[00:52] Dianais: Yes, that's about it. As soon as you had the castellan you can simulate the times, but  that's a typical speed.
[00:52] Dianais: You can enhance the speed selecting equipment for speed for the castellan. And paying some coins...
[00:54] Crector: Since the estate won't finish upgrading until 3PM tomorrow, I'm going to be pretty lucky if someone else does not claim the place before my castellan can reach it.
[00:56] Dianais: If we have someone close to it with a castellan available, maybe the outpost can be occupied now. Later we will need to arrange the delivery...
[00:58] Dianais: The main disadvantage there is that there will be more fires due to the double strike.
[00:58] Crector: Seems like everyone in this alliance with a higher level than myself already has 3 outposts.
[01:00] Crector: Only one of the newer members seems to be interested in getting an outpost and according to him, his military is well under the 230-some troops at either one of the 2 remaining outposts.
[01:01] Dianais: Yeah. More outposts are correlated with more forces. The best deals are the food outpost
[01:03] Crector: Don't all outposts have agricultural production?
[01:05] Dianais: Yes, but not all the same.
[01:06] Crector: So the higher the food number, the more food per hour can be produced?
[01:07] Dianais: Your castle has 3 fields, ensuring 100% production for your first 3 farmhouses, and decreasing for farmhouse number 4, 5, etc.
[01:08] Dianais: As you said. There are outposts with more fields, then with as many more 100% production farmhouses, there you have more food, and then more forces.
[01:10] Dianais: And there are outposts with less than 3 fields, so less potential for food, though surely more wood/stone.
[01:10] Dianais: In the long term, the idea is to replace earlier outposts by other outposts with more food potential.
[01:11] Crector: Can you simply give up outposts you already have?  What would you need to do to keep it in the alliance?  Have you done this?
[01:13] Dianais: Yes, I think I went thru a couple of rounds of outpost replacement already, the best is to pass the worked outpost to someone helping saving time.
[01:14] Dianais: But for this, either you or the one receiving the outpost have to go temporarily out of the alliance, better if to a friendly alliance to avoid being isolated.
[01:15] Dianais: Then, who is receiving the outposts has to attack it with a free castellan.
[01:16] Dianais: Once the outpost is taken and the ocupation time done, all came together again in the original alliance.
[01:17] Dianais: You can also just abandon the outpost, then all the works and enhancements are lost.
[01:19] Dianais: Thanks. Do you need anything? I usually have spare stone, and at this time also spare food.
[01:21] Crector: No thank you.  Got the wood.stone needed to upgrade the estate from SB 17 yesterday.
[01:21] Crector: Just looked at the outposts and 1 of them has 2 100% farms while the other has 6.
[01:23] Dianais: 6 is your best target.
[01:23] Dianais: No doubt.
[01:24] Dianais: Wait, you talking about farmhouses or fields?
[01:25] Crector: farmhouses with 100% workloads.
[01:25] Dianais: Ok.
[01:25] Dianais: You already have one of this in Trex.
[01:26] Dianais: Solar Empire has only 2.
[01:27] Dianais: Though it has stone for 6 stone quarry at 100%.
[01:27] Crector: That's right.  Did yyou write down the numbers of resoruces in unclaimed outposts in a notebook?
[01:28] Dianais: Nope...
[01:28] Crector: You figured it out by lookig at the number of farms at each outpost?
[01:30] Dianais: By correlating production % at farmhouses with number of farmhouses.
[01:30] Dianais: You get 100% up to the food potential.
[01:31] Crector: Were you a math major?
[01:31] Dianais: Then 75%, then 56%, etc. Each new farmhouse production has 75% of the previous one, decreasing very fast.
[01:32] Dianais: At some point building an additional farmhouse contributes close to zero food.
[01:32] Dianais: Same with stone and wood, of course.
[01:34] Dianais: But you will see that the players are paying attention to good food resources.
[01:34] Crector: I always stop building new resource buildings when they reach the 7% workload.
[01:34] Dianais: You will not find extra food (8 fields) outposts free.
[01:35] Crector: Do they even exist?
[01:36] Dianais: Yup! Not many, and when available they are gone very fast.
[01:37] Dianais: Extra resource outposts of stone, wood, food,  all are marked in the map with sort of angelic rings.
[01:38] Dianais: Going to sleep...
[01:38] Dianais: Have a good one.
[01:39] Crector: Thank you good night.

Legion of Aid ChatLog July 1, 2014

[15:34] eris: yes please i wish too to get a crane so with it we can upgraid buildings more easily
[15:37] Bleeding THC: 500 stone will be there in 49 minutes
[15:38] eris: thank you but this crane have really big prize how can we take it if it was the prize more lower i think i can get it
[15:40] Bleeding THC: what is the crane a prize for?
[15:41] eris: its 7100 rubines you can if you at constrction menu
[15:42] eris: sorry for my english
[15:42] Bleeding THC: oh well i already knoew that, i could just never afford it lol
[15:42] Bleeding THC: unless i broke down and spent real money on this game
[15:45] eris: you can buy rubines
[15:45] Bleeding THC: yes
[15:46] Bleeding THC: you can buy them the same as you buy xbox live or playstation network. you buy a voucher at the store and redeem it in game
[15:50] eris: yes thats tru but you or i cant anything we should buy with our conis on real life or we should wait untill we go to level 70 and get it
[18:21] Bleeding THC: well, the way i look at it is that i dont like to spend real cash on a mmo that is free to play unless i get really die hard into it. if i can earn them for free then i would rather keep it that way. if i wanted to spend real cash on a game it would have to be for my console or a higher end mmo that requires a payment to even play.
[05:53] eris: hi
[06:29] manav ganjoo: hey crector can i be seargent too
[06:43] Crector: ok
[06:44] manav ganjoo: thanks
[06:45] Crector: Who did you hit to earn 96 glory points?
[09:06] kite454: hi
[09:06] Crector: hello
[10:07] eris: how are you
[10:14] Crector: ok
[10:14] Crector: going away for a while.
[10:15] eris: why
[11:20] qwerty333: i want war on krieg reich!
[11:22] eris: krieg  reich
[11:22] eris: whhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[11:28] qwerty333: i hate them
[16:23] eris: hi everybody
[16:24] eris: how can i get more coins
[16:25] eris: i know about attackt someone or baron castles enythink else
[16:29] Ivan6678: Population
[16:47] Bleeding THC: buy more dwellings, but i would also buy a lot of decorations to counter act the population control
[16:47] Bleeding THC: or public order
[16:50] jtwr: hello
[16:52] Bleeding THC: hi
[21:42] Ivan6678: How long has Pwningnubsta's castle been a ruin?
[21:42] Ivan6678: And MUSTACHECAT1's castle dissapeared entirely.
[22:12] Crector: They both quit playing the game quite some time ago and were dropped from the alliance.
[22:31] Ivan6678: Ah.
[22:32] Ivan6678: Thats what happens when you go offline for a few days.
[23:27] Bleeding THC: so do any of you guys play any xbox one?
[23:57] Bleeding THC: hello there charles
[23:57] Bleeding THC: C:
[00:49] Crector: No, I don't
[01:43] devils feary: I don't either
[02:33] Crector: Noticed that you are attacking a castle 5 levels higher than yourself.
[02:39] devils feary: If I can get a decent espionage report on a castle even if it is higher as long as you have the right soldiers you have a good shot at beating it. Ranged against melee melee against ranged
[02:40] devils feary: This guys honor concerns me more than his level as he is very active in attack which means he probably has a pretty big army.
[02:45] devils feary: He had 200+ soldiers and I lost the battle as I couldn't send that many guys and I don't have very advanced guys. I did take out nearly 100 of his guys though

Legion of Aid ChatLog June 30th 2014

[23:49] Bleeding THC: got overflow
[23:49] devils feary: I could totally use some food I am at like 500 and have already lost a few soldiers today
[23:50] Bleeding THC: alright, ill send 500
[23:50] Bleeding THC: main castle or outpost
[23:53] Bleeding THC: will be there in about an hour
[23:54] devils feary: main castle
[23:54] devils feary: thank you
[23:54] Bleeding THC: no problem
[00:28] Bleeding THC: could someone get me an espionage?
[00:29] devils feary: who?
[00:30] Bleeding THC: herochazz
[00:32] devils feary: My guys will be back in 1 minute I will send them there then.
[00:32] Bleeding THC: appreciate it :)
[00:33] devils feary: It says 4 minutes until they reach the castle.
[00:34] Bleeding THC: hes worth a decent amount of glory to me for some reason
[00:36] devils feary: That seems weird for his level
[00:36] Bleeding THC: i know. its like 40
[00:37] Bleeding THC: i just have enough gold for an attack atm
[00:38] devils feary: Done.
[00:40] devils feary: Go get him. Sometimes the level is deceiving there is a level 16 castle that I am very reluctant to attack as they have some really advanced defenders.
[00:47] Bleeding THC: cool, thanks
[01:14] devils feary: I am logging out for the night.
[01:15] Bleeding THC: have a good one, thanks again
[03:14] Done For: .
[04:00] eris: hey can someone send me food
[04:02] Bleeding THC: 500 food will be there in 49 minutes
[04:04] eris: thank you
[04:04] Bleeding THC: not a problem
[10:28] sam210002309: hey everyone
[10:30] eris: hey how are you
[10:32] sam210002309: good
[11:58] eris: hi devils feary whene did you buy master builder did he made time more easliry with 5% can you tell if the time is 1 hour what did it be with master builder
[11:59] devils feary: master builder? I have a construction crane that speeds up development of buildings but I don't know about master builder.
[13:06] eris: can someone send me ston please
[15:30] Bleeding THC: i wish i could get a crane :(
[15:30] Bleeding THC: i spend all my rubies lol
[15:30] Bleeding THC: eris do you still need stone?
[15:34] eris: yes please i wish too to get a crane so with it we can upgraid buildings more easily
[15:37] Bleeding THC: 500 stone will be there in 49 minutes
[15:38] eris: thank you but this crane have really big prize how can we take it if it was the prize more lower i think i can get it
[15:40] Bleeding THC: what is the crane a prize for?
[15:41] eris: its 7100 rubines you can if you at constrction menu
[15:42] eris: sorry for my english
[15:42] Bleeding THC: oh well i already knoew that, i could just never afford it lol
[15:42] Bleeding THC: unless i broke down and spent real money on this game
[15:45] eris: you can buy rubines
[15:45] Bleeding THC: yes
[15:46] Bleeding THC: you can buy them the same as you buy xbox live or playstation network. you buy a voucher at the store and redeem it in game
[15:50] eris: yes thats tru but you or i cant anything we should buy with our conis on real life or we should wait untill we go to level 70 and get it
[18:21] Bleeding THC: well, the way i look at it is that i dont like to spend real cash on a mmo that is free to play unless i get really die hard into it. if i can earn them for free then i would rather keep it that way. if i wanted to spend real cash on a game it would have to be for my console or a higher end mmo that requires a payment to even play.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Legion of Aid ChatLog June 30th 2014(2)

[23:49] Bleeding THC: got overflow
[23:49] devils feary: I could totally use some food I am at like 500 and have already lost a few soldiers today
[23:50] Bleeding THC: alright, ill send 500
[23:50] Bleeding THC: main castle or outpost
[23:53] Bleeding THC: will be there in about an hour
[23:54] devils feary: main castle
[23:54] devils feary: thank you
[23:54] Bleeding THC: no problem
[00:28] Bleeding THC: could someone get me an espionage?
[00:29] devils feary: who?
[00:30] Bleeding THC: herochazz
[00:32] devils feary: My guys will be back in 1 minute I will send them there then.
[00:32] Bleeding THC: appreciate it :)
[00:33] devils feary: It says 4 minutes until they reach the castle.
[00:34] Bleeding THC: hes worth a decent amount of glory to me for some reason
[00:36] devils feary: That seems weird for his level
[00:36] Bleeding THC: i know. its like 40
[00:37] Bleeding THC: i just have enough gold for an attack atm
[00:38] devils feary: Done.
[00:40] devils feary: Go get him. Sometimes the level is deceiving there is a level 16 castle that I am very reluctant to attack as they have some really advanced defenders.
[00:47] Bleeding THC: cool, thanks
[01:14] devils feary: I am logging out for the night.
[01:15] Bleeding THC: have a good one, thanks again
[03:14] Done For: .
[04:00] eris: hey can someone send me food
[04:02] Bleeding THC: 500 food will be there in 49 minutes
[04:04] eris: thank you
[04:04] Bleeding THC: not a problem
[10:28] sam210002309: hey everyone
[10:30] eris: hey how are you
[10:32] sam210002309: good
[11:58] eris: hi devils feary whene did you buy master builder did he made time more easliry with 5% can you tell if the time is 1 hour what did it be with master builder
[11:59] devils feary: master builder? I have a construction crane that speeds up development of buildings but I don't know about master builder.
[13:06] eris: can someone send me ston please
[15:30] Bleeding THC: i wish i could get a crane :(
[15:30] Bleeding THC: i spend all my rubies lol
[15:30] Bleeding THC: eris do you still need stone?
[15:34] eris: yes please i wish too to get a crane so with it we can upgraid buildings more easily
[15:37] Bleeding THC: 500 stone will be there in 49 minutes
[15:38] eris: thank you but this crane have really big prize how can we take it if it was the prize more lower i think i can get it
[15:40] Bleeding THC: what is the crane a prize for?
[15:41] eris: its 7100 rubines you can if you at constrction menu
[15:42] eris: sorry for my english
[15:42] Bleeding THC: oh well i already knoew that, i could just never afford it lol
[15:42] Bleeding THC: unless i broke down and spent real money on this game
[15:45] eris: you can buy rubines
[15:45] Bleeding THC: yes
[15:46] Bleeding THC: you can buy them the same as you buy xbox live or playstation network. you buy a voucher at the store and redeem it in game
[15:50] eris: yes thats tru but you or i cant anything we should buy with our conis on real life or we should wait untill we go to level 70 and get it
[18:21] Bleeding THC: well, the way i look at it is that i dont like to spend real cash on a mmo that is free to play unless i get really die hard into it. if i can earn them for free then i would rather keep it that way. if i wanted to spend real cash on a game it would have to be for my console or a higher end mmo that requires a payment to even play.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept. 22 2014 U.S. Armed Forces Chat

[19:19] Crector: Have you read the preceding stuff in Chat or gotten any messages from Whiplash about the problem with Elite Reich?
[19:20] GARYM: yes i have sent lee_41 a message about allowing attacks on axe outposts
[19:20] Crector: Good.
[19:22] Crector: There was another ER member SSGJr who was in ruins and had 2 outposts who remained in ER until all of a sudden both his ruins and outposts disappeared right off the map.
[19:23] Crector: bbl
[19:28] Crector: GaryM:  Did youo get the message I sent you regarding the U.S. Navy Seals?
[19:28] Crector: you
[19:32] Crector: Hav to go for a bit...the Bears are growling.
[20:04] LisaDaisyAnn: hi
[20:12] Scromithe: NEED BREAD BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:14] LisaDaisyAnn: i sent u some
[20:33] Crector: Message from Lee_41:   Just letting you know .... if war is declared on us by your alliance.... I dont think it will but if it is declared we are sending the first 50 attacks at youso .... we are kinda hoping it happenshaha
[20:33] Crector: Has Lee_41 sent replied to your message or to Whiplash's message, GaryM?
[21:23] GARYM: prepare for war because if i dont get the answer i want we are going to war
[21:25] Crector: Have you contacted any of the other LOF alliances about helping us just in case?
[21:27] GARYM: no but contact anyone you know because we are about to go to war
[21:28] Crector: One thing that I remember from my time in ER is that Lee_41 said that he was not afraid of any single alliance, but he was afraid of what might happen if any of what he called "aggregations" such as AOD, KON or LOF made war on his alliance.  If you can make it clear to him that he faces a lot more than he can handle, he might back down.
[21:32] Crector: Also, if we do go to war, the best time to hit them is at 2-4 AM because I can remember the Masters of Chaos giving him coniptons because they were able to hit several ER castles  becase all of the ER members were asleep.
[21:33] Crector: Jusat huit Lvl 31.
[21:33] Crector: just hit
[21:36] GARYM: i sent a message to leader of LOF legion v to see if they will support us
[21:38] Crector: Is it a given that our sub alliances  wil support us?
[21:41] Crector: You do decide to go war, I'd suggest waiting 24 hours to allow the membership time to build up and for Lee_42 to perhaps come to his senses.
[21:42] Crector: If
[21:42] Crector: I'll send you some.
[21:46] GARYM: if we go to war it will probably be at night and we will need to get promises of support
[21:47] Crector: ok...sounds like a plan.
[21:56] Rust_Nail: why are we going to war?
[22:01] Rust_Nail: hello
[22:01] Rust_Nail: anyone there
[22:02] Crector: An ER member attacked the ruins of one of our members.  Its not a given yet that we will actually go to war.
[22:05] Rust_Nail: Ohh
[22:05] Rust_Nail: is that bad attacking a ruin
[22:12] Crector: They don't want  us to attack the ruins of their members.
[22:15] Rust_Nail: ok
[22:15] Rust_Nail: I dont understand
[22:16] Crector: It is conceivable that if a players whose castle is in ruis comes back, then the castle can be reborn.  I  know of one case where tht happened.
[22:16] Crector: that
[22:20] Rust_Nail: I dont know
[22:20] Rust_Nail: Is it a big alliance we are going to war with
[22:22] Crector: Yes.
[22:22] Rust_Nail: any guys my level
[22:23] Rust_Nail: why are they going after you
[22:23] Crector: one.
[22:25] LisaDaisyAnn: what did you do to them?
[22:27] Crector: Probably because well before I joined this alliance, I was the leader of the Blitz II sub alliance of the original Blitz alliance.  For some reason, ite leader Bleeding THC came to believe that I was the reason why his fantasy of creating a LOF tyoe "Blitz Empie' and he has hated me ever since.  He is now a member of Elite Reich and from what I understand he has been constantly agitating against me from the mement that he joined ER to now,
[22:27] Crector: type Empire
[22:31] Crector:
[22:36] LisaDaisyAnn: Sounds like an ass
[22:39] Crector: That's one way of describing him.

U.S. Armed Forces Alliance Chat Sept.22nd 2014

[19:40] Scromithe: hey
[20:43] Crector: Wonder if the Laura here has anything to do with the "Mysteries of Laura" TV show?
[22:32] Dianais: Nite.
[01:50] Crector: !
[05:50] Crector: For the first time ever, I bought some rubies....$1.99 under the 200% bonus offer.  Let's see how this works.
[08:14] GARYM: bbl
[14:00] Crector: Gusianna is in ruins.
[14:02] Crector: Vice Duke michael III  of Elite Reich is attacking Gusianna's ruins.  Is this not an act of war?
[14:14] General 313: defend outpost gussy they did not ask permission to attack our out post
[14:16] Whiplash: i sent support but could us some more
[14:17] Crector: Whiplash, do you still need more wood or stone?
[14:19] Whiplash: yes i do
[14:20] Crector: wuld take 46 minutes for my defensive troops to reach her outpost....should I send them anyways?
[14:21] Whiplash: no the attack is 37 minutes out
[14:30] Crector: Should I attack the ruins of Count Palatine Axe given that one of them is attacking Gusianna's ruins?
[14:30] Whiplash: wait until i get a response
[14:31] Crector: ok
[14:31] Whiplash: i may declare war on them
[14:32] Crector: If you do, you should also ask the rest fo LOF especially Legions V & VIII for help.
[15:19] Crector: As far as I'm concerned, the only 2 acceptable outcomes other than war would be for someone in this alliance such as Ruat_Nail be allowed to attack Axe's ruins or for one of them to send one of our members, such as Whiplash, at least 2,500 wood or stone.
[15:19] Crector: Rust_Nail
[17:58] Crector: Why would someone launch a Shadow Mercenaries attack on a Lvl 9 player?
[18:21] Crector: This is ridiculous.  The Traveling Knights have come and say that I have less than 5 hours to find 12 relic fragments on a night when there's a Bears game.
[18:36] ItsNotPersonal7: lol
[18:37] ItsNotPersonal7: my 9ers suck
[18:37] ItsNotPersonal7: not doing to good
[18:39] Crector: No thank you...wonder where our alliance officers are?
[18:40] ItsNotPersonal7: what is that
[18:40] Crector: GaryM mainly.
[18:40] ItsNotPersonal7: i know but what is it
[18:41] ItsNotPersonal7: /you do A LOT of attacks
[18:42] Crector: Read what transpired in the Chat before you came on.
[18:42] Crector: This is a war game, not some sort of weird construction derby.
[18:42] ItsNotPersonal7: i need more travaling knights
[18:45] ItsNotPersonal7: i need to find kaun tablets to
[18:48] ItsNotPersonal7: gtg
[19:13] GARYM: sorry i have not been on today spent the day at doctors office
[19:15] Crector: Hope you're well.
[19:16] GARYM: not for me it was my father in law
[19:16] GARYM: he is losing his hearing and there is nothing they can do but it is a slow process
[19:18] Scromithe: hey
[19:19] Crector: Have you read the preceding stuff in Chat or gotten any messages from Whiplash about the problem with Elite Reich?
[19:20] GARYM: yes i have sent lee_41 a message about allowing attacks on axe outposts
[19:20] Crector: Good.
[19:22] Crector: There was another ER member SSGJr who was in ruins and had 2 outposts who remained in ER until all of a sudden both his ruins and outposts disappeared right off the map.
[19:23] Crector: bbl
[19:28] Crector: GaryM:  Did youo get the message I sent you regarding the U.S. Navy Seals?
[19:28] Crector: you
[19:32] Crector: Hav to go for a bit...the Bears are growling.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Legion of Aid ChatLog June 21st-June 23rd 2014 (2)

[11:25] Ivan6678: Sorry, Im really far away.
[12:05] jeevan24: whahts up\
[12:10] Bleeding THC: does he still need food?
[12:11] Crector: Don't know.
[12:18] devils feary: I will send some food
[12:35] Crector: Has anyone heard from Cat on when or if he is coming back?
[12:38] devils feary: It has been a while since I have heard from him.
[12:40] Crector: He said over a week ago that he was going be gone for a week.  btw, thanks for the resources.
[12:45] devils feary: No problem you are the closest ally and it helps with the daily tasks.
[13:33] eris: hi
[14:04] CadeGamer: hi
[14:44] devils feary: Eris, I just sent an army to kill the prick that is attacking you. Good luck in defense and we will have our revenge!
[14:45] Crector: I've sent spies after him.
[14:48] Crector: Just sent spy reort.
[14:51] devils feary: I will crush him. I sent about 50 knights of the kings gaurd and he only has 4-5 archers
[15:00] devils feary: I am logging off for a while. Talk to you guys tonight.
[15:42] Bleeding THC: anyone have spare units?
[15:42] Bleeding THC: im very low on funds
[16:04] eris: thanks guys i really like you
[16:11] eris: hey guys i dont know really good english but can i ask  for what is this premium and levels
[21:03] Suhailus: hi"m new
[21:03] Suhailus: good night
[21:03] Suhailus: i have to go to sleep
[22:18] musgrove77: hi
[23:06] Bleeding THC: hi
[00:00] manav ganjoo: hi
[00:29] Crector: What do you need to do in order to be able to attack with more than 4  units?
[00:32] devils feary: I think it depends on the level of the person you are attacking. Attack a level 20 and see if it is different you can cancel out before you send your troops.
[00:33] manav ganjoo: your opponent  should  be  of higher  level  than  26
[01:05] Crector: What good does honor points do you?
[01:09] Bleeding THC: its a ranking system
[01:09] Bleeding THC: the higher your honor points the higher your rank, also coinsides with your alliance rank
[01:10] Bleeding THC: Thats how I understand it.
[01:25] manav ganjoo: crector how  did  you  become  a deputy
[01:28] devils feary: Crector, I have noticed that you are usually fighing castles that are 10. You can get daily task points, plus you get a lot more stuff from the castles that are higher ranking like gold, food, wood, etc.
[01:30] devils feary: ganjoo, I have been wanting to fight a high level castle 25 plus. How do we fight together to defeat a higher level opponet?
[01:40] Bleeding THC: ive noticed a lot of people on your members list have donated a lot to funds and some are still pretty active, but they are still novices?
[01:58] manav ganjoo: i am ready
[01:58] Crector: gamermax5 appoited me to become Deputy.
[02:00] manav ganjoo: okk
[02:01] Crector: bleeding THC is now a Member.  When I became Deputy, only devil's feary was a Member and everyone else was a novice.
[02:01] manav ganjoo: i was attack  by a  plyrer who was on level  40 so at the moment  i am recruiting  soldiers
[02:04] Bleeding THC: who was it
[02:05] manav ganjoo: someone named bado
[02:07] manav ganjoo: i had attack  his alliance  members so i think he attack  me because  of it
[02:07] Bleeding THC: you gonna retaliate?
[02:09] manav ganjoo: yeah
[02:10] devils feary: let me know when and I will help out.
[02:10] Bleeding THC: im gonna try for a report
[02:12] manav ganjoo: but now i m recruiting  so not now

U.S. Armed Forces Alliance Chat Sept. 20th/21st 2014

[22:14] Crector: Just that she's Lvl 41 and was in BiT until today.
[22:14] GARYM: talk to her and see why she left before we invite her
[22:15] Crector: ok
[22:20] GARYM: ok guys dont attack donovan anymore he left his alliance because Lee_41 told him that he could not attack crestor
[22:22] Crector: So is donovan back in ER?
[22:22] Crector: He never attacked me anyways and appeared to be completely inactive.
[22:23] GARYM: no but he has been attacke enough we normally dont attack an attive player more than once a week
[22:23] Crector: There are other targetss, so that's ok.
[22:31] Crector: How much retaliation is considered enough?
[22:43] GARYM: dont attack jefferson any more he left his alliance to attack you because lee_41 told him he could not .  He was a friend of donovan who quit the game because of your attacks.  Jeff is not back in the alliance so i told Lee_41 we would not attack him any more
[22:44] GARYM: jeff is now back in the alliance
[23:16] GARYM: gn
[23:33] Crector: Was AFL for over half an hour and its too lae to recall the troops.  However, I will refrain from any further retal attacks against him.
[23:34] Crector: AFK
[23:35] Crector: How about that seledcka who also attacked me at the same time?
[01:22] Crector: Just got sabotaged at Outpost Trex despite the presence of 2 Guardhouses.
[19:11] Scromithe: hey
[20:07] fart4fun: got that out post then somebody killed all my troops there
[20:36] DAlex: evening
[23:53] Crector: Write a mesage in the alliance chat.
[00:59] zicam: Hello
[01:06] Crector: Hello
[12:30] championreni: hello
[12:58] championreni: hi
[16:54] ItsNotPersonal7: can i get some food like 1000?
[19:00] Crector: Food will be served soon.  Evidentally Paladine Peet serves great food since he appears to be quite popular right now.
[19:04] ColonelDicJr: still rebuilding
[19:08] Scromithe: hey
[19:16] Crector: Rebuilding almost over.  Gained 135 Glory points thus far today.
[20:58] Crector: What is scromith doing attacking the outpost of a Lvl 41 player?
[21:33] GARYM: sometimes you have to learn the hard way
[22:39] fart4fun: i dont get the whole thing with occupying an out post
[22:50] Dianais: Nite.
[23:14] Crector: Write a message in the alliance chat.
[23:31] GARYM: I am about ready to go to bed
[23:42] GARYM: crector why are you being attacked
[23:45] Crector: Have no idea.
[23:46] Crector: I should be able to defeat him.
[23:47] GARYM: you can handle the attack right
[23:48] Crector: yes
[23:50] Crector: Hmmm getting unsolicited help from Dianais even though she does not appear in Chat.
[23:56] Crector: I've got 50 Archers, 50 Longbowmen, 14 Halberdiers and some elite troops that I got as some sort of nobility award for doing who knows what.
[23:56] Crector: As well as a lot of Flaming Arrows & Defense Rocks among other things.
[00:00] Crector: One thing is for sure though...these dummy troops don't seem to be any good in dissuading would be attackers.
[00:02] Crector: Take it that any kind of retal is absolutely forbidden given that he is a Lvl 12 player?
[00:03] ColonelDicJr: gn
[00:09] Crector: Dianais & I won...good thing that I've got some gold coins saved up to replenish the defense troops quickly.
[00:09] Crector: What does gn mean?
[00:09] GARYM: good night
[00:10] GARYM: so i say gn

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Message to GaryM Sept 19th 2014

How many retals can  we do against those who attacked us?  Is there a set limit or not?  In any event, after the current strike ends, I won't attack that Jefferson guy anymore.  I was away from the comp when you asked to pull it off and when I got back and  saw what you said in chat, it was too late to recall the troops.  Plz tell Lee_41 that if it makes him feel any better I'd be willing to send the Jefferson guy a ful load of resources as compensation.

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Sept. 18 2014

[21:25] Crector: 294 Glory and 24 XP
[21:27] DarkHorse7: good job
[21:27] GARYM: yeah you crushed him
[21:28] fart4fun: please somoene else help me recruit
[21:29] Crector: Actually Dianais crushed him....turns out the heavy attack troops at Outpost Trex might be sufficient to take his castle so here we go.
[21:29] Crector: Hasn't the Dark Firefly menace been handled or is he still a pest?
[21:30] GARYM: just sent a spy report on another of his outposts and dark is spying  on his last outpost
[21:30] Crector: Great...thanks.
[21:31] DarkHorse7: i will have the report in two minutes
[21:33] DarkHorse7: there you have reports on his castle and all his outposts
[21:34] GARYM: he has mostly attack troops not much defence
[21:35] fart4fun: if I capture an outpost that has a bunch of building in it will i get those building if i succed?
[21:35] Crector: Thank you very much....guess I'm have to lay off atttacking the dead and the near-dead to focus in on this guy.
[21:35] Crector: Do you have an Estate?
[21:35] fart4fun: building one right now
[21:37] Crector: As long as he]s not in an alliance, I don't see anything wrong with it.
[21:37] GARYM: EVERYONE sab the guys castle and outposts to soften him up for crector
[21:38] GARYM: we dont steal outposts or rvs
[21:38] fart4fun: so it has a building above my level. will the buildings stay like that?
[21:38] fart4fun: when i conquer
[21:39] Crector: The allaince leader just said don't do it.
[21:40] GARYM: you are only allowed to steal an outpost from someone that is in ruins and NOT in an alliance
[21:43] GARYM: i sent sabs on two of his outposts
[21:44] fart4fun: sorry my pc didn't load that massage. it is in ruins. it is 1.4 miles southeast of my castle
[21:44] fart4fun: guy wasn't in an alliance. it ha sonly like 6 troops at it
[21:45] GARYM: you can take that one it is ok
[21:45] fart4fun: ok
[21:45] GARYM: and yes the buildings will stay at the higher level as long as they are not destroyed in the attack
[21:45] fart4fun: my eatate finidhes at midnight so ill take it tomarrow. will the buildings be the same?
[21:46] GARYM: some of the buildings will be destroyed
[21:46] GARYM: but not most of them
[21:46] fart4fun: they are all on fire but will i have like a level 5 barracks?
[21:47] GARYM: it has good walls and towers and most of all a bakery
[21:47] Crector: Now that I took alll of the attack troops out of Outpost Trex, its being attacked by another independnent  player, this time one who I dondt recognize as having been an Elite Reich member....looks like coordination here.
[21:47] fart4fun: cool
[21:48] GARYM: how many farmers do you have it is a small attack with no weapons
[21:52] Crector: Won again.
[21:52] fart4fun: I dont know how many farmers i have
[21:53] Crector: Don't know how many farmers...did have 10 defense rocks on the battlements.
[21:53] GARYM: the two head in the bar at the top of the screen in famers militia
[21:54] Crector: Now that guy is also attacking ,uy other outpost.
[21:55] Crector: Have 12 crossbowmen there and recruiting more.
[21:55] GARYM: lee_41 says that members of our alliance have attacked two outposts that they were occupying for capture this week.  look carefully before you attack to see if someone is occupying it for capture
[21:56] Crector: Did he say what 2 outposts they were?
[21:56] GARYM: no but i ask and have not got an answer yet
[21:57] Crector: 1 of them was outpost that was occupied after I launched the attack and I was AFK for  a while so did not know that it ws occupied utntil after I got back after the battle.
[21:57] GARYM: place farmer troops like you would melee troops they are not very strong but they can win against a small attack
[21:59] Crector: Just ut everything on the right flank.
[22:01] Crector: Under Public Order, the Protection number is 28.  Is thaqt the number of armed farmers?
[22:01] Crector: actually its 64...messed that up.

Jar Heads Alliance Chat Sept. 18 2014

[00:05] Keyhole: omg
[00:05] Keyhole: less than 3 minutes
[00:05] Keyhole: so scare
[00:07] afishpond: of what
[00:08] afishpond: did you set up your defence
[00:09] Keyhole: i think i sent u the battle info
[00:09] afishpond: yes you did
[00:10] Keyhole: i put troops in two spots
[00:11] afishpond: got to watch them as they take down your defences when they attack you
[00:11] Keyhole: did i do ok?
[00:11] Keyhole: i wonn
[00:11] Keyhole: :D
[00:11] afishpond: yes
[00:12] afishpond: how old are you
[00:12] Keyhole: 19
[00:12] afishpond: I'm 53
[00:13] Keyhole: good age
[00:13] afishpond: will help you all I can  if you want to learn game
[00:13] afishpond: but i would move by us if I was you
[00:16] afishpond: we can get resorces to you faster and  help if needed
[00:18] afishpond: you any  thing
[00:20] afishpond: need any thing
[00:32] Keyhole: sleep
[00:37] afishpond: here that going bed in 10
[06:04] afishpond: hello
[06:05] yoshi: morning
[09:17] CR007: morning
[09:23] sambaluk: morning
[10:24] CR007: I've been doing a lot of espionaige on alliances that are small and have few pacts. I'll post the coordinates soon
[14:33] Angel_Rose: hello
[15:03] CR007: Alliance the Darkness is good to attack no ties and the members are varying ranges of good strength
[15:04] CR007: Head of the warrior cats stepahni lvl 21, though is good to attack no pacts and a very small alliance
[15:27] Keyhole: hi
[15:27] Keyhole: ty for all being my friends
[15:27] Keyhole: i'm sorry for being so excited yesterday
[15:27] sambaluk: :-)
[15:27] Keyhole: i get really excited too
[15:27] Keyhole: hehehe
[16:20] daine: hi
[16:39] Keyhole: hi
[16:39] daine: how are u
[16:42] Keyhole: im mad
[16:42] Keyhole: broke my nail
[16:42] Keyhole: got a zit
[16:43] daine: lol that sucks
[16:53] Keyhole: yeah
[16:53] Keyhole: i can't go to the mall today
[16:59] daine: y
[17:06] Keyhole: my image
[17:06] Keyhole: i'll be ruined

Message to Dianais September 18th 2014

Don't know why I'm helping you since you failed to help me when I was attacked by Lee_41 even though you were online when it happened.  Gues this alliance stuff about one for all and all for one means something after all.

Monday, September 15, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Alliance Chat Sept. 14th-15th 2014

20:35] Crector: So in this alliance, a deputy can make the war decision without involving the leader or the membership?
[20:40] DAlex: chlo-chlo - viscount wyman is stealing your RV on ice.  I am 888 away and cant make it.
[20:41] DAlex: opps, see I was late to the party.
[20:43] Whiplash: we have declared war on the alliance of a guy in ice who is stealing chlo rv you should be able to see my attack iwant him hit hard
[20:48] Whiplash: i sent you all a spy report on his castle in ice we cant let him get away with this or they and others will steal our rv we said this is an act of war and it is
[20:50] Rust_Nail: Crector why do all your questions sound like you disagree with something?
[20:50] Rust_Nail: LOL
[20:50] Rust_Nail: obviousy the deputy can declare war he just did
[20:52] Crector: Problem is that I jusat got into the Ice Realm on Thursday and only have 40 troopers...spearmen & bowmen.
[20:52] Rust_Nail: ahh
[20:53] Rust_Nail: just lay low and dont react to the war delcaration
[20:53] Rust_Nail: I dont think we have to attack
[20:53] Rust_Nail: If we are able we can without worrying about anything
[20:53] Crector: Also, all of CC's castles are a long ways off from where I am.
[20:54] Rust_Nail: there are some low level ones around me
[20:54] Rust_Nail: 2 of them
[20:55] Rust_Nail: gotta go
[20:55] Rust_Nail: watching the bears niners
[20:56] Crector: Yes...sad sack Bears with their $126 Mil. QB Cutler.
[20:57] DarkHorse7: attack on the way
[21:04] GARYM: you heard our deputy we are at war.  Pick your target and attack
[21:04] GARYM: crector his is your chance to attack some attive players
[21:57] fart4fun: how do I take out 73 armed citizans?
[22:00] Whiplash: melee troops are the best
[22:22] fart4fun: how many mace?
[22:28] fart4fun: mail me answer please because i gtg2 bed
[23:30] DAlex: gtg
[23:53] PariahXen: Crector...who are we warring against? I don't have anybody to send but will send moral support.
[23:59] ColonelDicJr: good night
[00:08] Whiplash: good night
[00:24] Crector: 533:124
[00:24] Crector: An allliance with members who are all a far distance from any of us.
[00:24] Crector: Long distance warfare.
[01:25] Crector: Against my better judgment, sending 120 light troops to attack an outpost belonging to the miscreant who attacked chlo-chlo's Ice RV.  Hope this works.
[07:11] General 313: good morning
[09:54] GARYM: good morning
[10:48] noc: morning
[13:10] Crector: According to the Travel Overview, I seem to be the only one fighting this war.
[13:45] DarkHorse7: hope it stays quiet
[17:53] Crector: It appears that wyman has been kicked out of his alliance.
[17:54] Crector: Perhaps we could recruit him into the fold
[18:00] Crector: Plz don';t accept any peace offers that don't include any tribute.
[18:48] DAlex: eve'nin
[19:00] PariahXen: Crap...just lost 35  dwordsmen to RB raid.
[19:43] Crector: Why has nobody else in this alliance made any use of the spy reports that I've done about the enemy's outposts?
[20:35] fart4fun: all of the reports are very far away from me
[20:39] Crector: They are far away from me to, but that has not stopped me from launching expeditions  against them.
[20:41] fart4fun: ok. ill try. right now im working on a level ten with 60ish soldiers right next to me.
[20:52] Crector: So now we've wimped ouit of the war just when it was getting interesting.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Sept. 9, 1014

[23:44] ItsNotPersonal7: i know rubies are hard to get
[23:46] Crector: No, you cand't send rubies to anther player.
[23:46] ItsNotPersonal7: ooooo
[23:47] ItsNotPersonal7: darn i need rubies bad
[23:49] ItsNotPersonal7: you attacking to i see
[23:49] Crector: yes
[23:50] Crector: Looting inactives is both fun and profitable.
[23:50] ItsNotPersonal7: can you send glod?
[23:50] ItsNotPersonal7: gold
[23:50] Crector: no
[23:51] ItsNotPersonal7: i hope i win
[23:56] ItsNotPersonal7: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i lost darn it
[23:57] ItsNotPersonal7: night dude
[03:36] Crector: GaryM is under attack yet again...sending supplies since I don;t have enough defense troops to make a difference.
[06:14] Sexy Beast 17: bbl
[07:20] GARYM: hey dalex see you got hit too
[07:20] GARYM: i got it twice last night
[07:23] DAlex: tough night.  Yes Ice is burning
[07:24] GARYM: they hit me late last night and early today when did they hit you
[07:25] DAlex: kingdom of Neph2, early AM, 5 hrs ago.
[07:28] DAlex: GARYM, good defenses.
[07:29] GARYM: spending the rubys and rebuilding troops like crazy for tonight
[07:33] Scromithe: YYYYYYYyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
[08:14] GARYM: everyone build lots of defence troops
[09:49] ItsNotPersonal7: hi
[09:51] Rust_Nail: hi
[09:51] ItsNotPersonal7: /i have the wheel of fortune
[09:52] Rust_Nail: going to go for an OP capture
[09:54] ItsNotPersonal7: cool i have to go to school
[09:54] ItsNotPersonal7: 13:00
[16:47] sunny007: hello
[17:23] SnellesPlayer: When I try to capture an abondoned oudtpost. Should i us defense troops or offensive when attacking. ?
[17:24] SnellesPlayer: Baron trouthammer at 517:314
[17:28] SnellesPlayer: I have failed twice when using defensive troops. It is an outpost seized from me so I would like it back.
[17:35] ItsNotPersonal7: can i get some wood and stone plz i need some
[20:55] Whiplash: crector how do you find all these ruins
[20:56] Crector: It takes time and effort gong through the map.
[20:57] Crector: Did not know about carzy though until Rust_Nail decided to take one of his outpostss.
[21:45] DAlex: level 4 outposts up for grabs.  Laura you shoudl take all three.  Check out PaladinePeet near 401 :351
[21:46] DAlex: castle in ruins, cant espionage, too many gaurd houses
[21:47] DAlex: bbl
[22:41] GARYM: good night
[23:29] ItsNotPersonal7: guys can i plz have some wood and stone
[23:29] Crector: Coming
[23:29] ItsNotPersonal7: thx a lot
[23:30] Crector: Rgere in less thn 11 minutes
[23:31] ItsNotPersonal7: thx dude
[23:31] Crector: Getting bsack to Whiplash's question, I also pay attention to chat...sent a frce to check out trouthunter
[23:32] Crector: Now looking at the dude at 401:351 that DAlex mentioned.

FS No Mercy Alliance Chat Sept 9, 2014

[18:17] Mighty Lioness: k will see all soon
[18:17] Mighty Lioness: byeeeeeee
[18:20] xXSamuriKingXx: hello
[19:05] xXSamuriKingXx: anyone?
[19:06] Sarah OScarlet: yeah
[19:06] xXSamuriKingXx: oh hi
[19:06] xXSamuriKingXx: do u watch tennis?
[19:07] Sarah OScarlet: no
[19:07] xXSamuriKingXx: cuz i am right now
[19:07] xXSamuriKingXx: i am just checking in
[19:07] xXSamuriKingXx: im upgrading storages yay
[19:08] xXSamuriKingXx: ill check in again in like a few minutes
[19:09] Sarah OScarlet: AFK ... out the door
[19:10] xXSamuriKingXx: ok bye
[19:12] xXSamuriKingXx: wood anyone???
[19:14] xXSamuriKingXx: anyone plz i need wood
[20:38] DarkRogue: Thanks for the rss Thad was much needed...:)
[08:52] DarkRogue: Hiya diddley dee
[15:15] Mighty Lioness: hey Rogue
[15:23] DarkRogue: Greetings Gates
[15:24] Mighty Lioness: what's up with you
[15:24] DarkRogue: my hair...and yourself??
[15:25] Mighty Lioness: lol your hair ???
[15:26] DarkRogue: you asked me,"What's up with you?" and I looked and it's my hair that's up
[15:27] Mighty Lioness: are you doing the underworld ???
[15:28] DarkRogue: been trying but I keep running out of troops, tools, supplies...
[15:28] Mighty Lioness: me too
[15:28] DarkRogue: Sos is killing it..LOL..
[15:33] Mighty Lioness: ok sorry gtg for a bit --- bb soon
[15:33] DarkRogue: See ya
[16:54] xXSamuriKingXx: hello? just finished with homework
[17:03] Sarah OScarlet: hi
[17:06] DarkRogue: Hiya everyone..running back and forth..
[17:07] DarkRogue: Sos this game lied you're getting attacked by RBs and you shouldn't be if you beat up the RB kingy thingie type dude
[17:10] Sarah OScarlet: haven't done it lately .. they getting even fr 19 rbs yesterday on the trav knights
[17:11] DarkRogue: ahh cause they had it up yesterday...
[17:12] DarkRogue: figured you'd have kicked butt on it faster than I did..LOL..
[17:12] Sarah OScarlet: only thing I worked on was the knights ... had my hands full
[17:12] DarkRogue: coo..coo...
[17:13] Sarah OScarlet: saw your attack ... did a double take ... lol thought it said BIG bunny
[17:14] DarkRogue: heehee...Yeah ruins been watching this one for a bit today noted it was ruins...
[17:15] DarkRogue: I also kinda went a little nuts on that dude Thad tossed over the weekend..3 attacks 2 days..first attack the main was only a little on it makes the burning of Rome look tame...
[17:16] Sarah OScarlet: you meanies
[17:18] DarkRogue: yea well he's not with a group yet so fair game then again he can always come back agfter me too..LOL..
[17:51] xXSamuriKingXx: hello?
[18:43] xXSamuriKingXx: HELLO?
[18:49] xXSamuriKingXx: hello?
[19:23] xXSamuriKingXx: anyone at all?
[19:34] xXSamuriKingXx: oh my god, anyine????
[19:50] hftrex: I'm here.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Message to GaryM September 6 2014

The last message I sent to him was a proposal that in the future just say that you're going to take an outpost and I'll stay away from it and he acted as that were a moral outrage.  From now on, I'll never message him again.

As for his daughters, he made it clear in alliance chat that while they once played the game, they had since quit and now he and some other Elite Reich members were playing those accounts bojangles and Tj2 for intelligence gathering purposes.  So much for the "honorable" alliance.

Also, I've been sabotaged twice at the main and once each at both of the outposts.  Seems kind of excessive.

Message to GaryM September 6th 2014

Am being attacked by Lee_41 right now.  He sent a msg saying that you gave him permission to do so.  This is pretty interesting given the fact that after I left The Blitz, Lee_41 let Bleeding THC attack me several times both at the main and at the outposts.  Must be a tradition in GGE for alliance leaders to let other alliance leaders attack their members.

In any event, pulled out the defensive troops and am making an extra big donation to the alliance fund so he won't find so much loot.  I've been attacked before and will be attacked in the future so its really not that big deal.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Alliances Chat Sept. 4/5 2014

[10:06] GARYM: yes if you will not lose honor do it
[10:08] GARYM: he is occupying it with 185 attack troops and most are not very strong
[10:08] Crector: Turns out that the culprit is lvl 14 and I'd lose 45 honor if I attacked his main castle.  Sure, I'll attack him at he outpost....have 20 hours to work with befrehe'd take full ossession.
[10:08] GARYM: thanks
[10:43] shalavee: ill send attacks as well
[11:14] ItsNotPersonal7: hi guys
[11:23] General 313: hi
[12:42] ItsNotPersonal7: hi
[16:00] sunny007: hello
[16:13] DAlex: hello.
[16:25] emmersen: hi i just joined
[16:29] Whiplash: welcome
[16:30] PariahXen: greetings all
[16:35] emmersen: hello
[16:57] ItsNotPersonal7: i cant get out my stored stuff how do i get it out
[16:59] DarkHorse7: the resources are used when you build or upgrade
[16:59] DarkHorse7: or you can ship them to others if you have built a market
[17:00] DarkHorse7: build a stable and your troops can move a lot faster
[17:04] ItsNotPersonal7: but i want to get my stuff out of storage
[17:05] ItsNotPersonal7: how do i
[17:07] ItsNotPersonal7: nvm i got it
[20:41] ItsNotPersonal7: any one on
[21:46] Crector: Here
[21:56] DarkHorse7: good night
[21:56] Rust_Nail: Hi and good night
[22:16] Crector: I'm being subjected to a Shadow Mercenary attattack over 400 strong....should I try to stand and fight or pull out the outnumbered defense troops?
[22:18] Rust_Nail: Who is attacking?
[22:20] Crector: Shadow Mercenaries...don't know who is behind them.
[22:20] Rust_Nail: those must be higher level guys
[22:21] Crector: yes
[22:22] Crector: AFK
[22:22] Rust_Nail: what is AFK
[22:30] Dianais: Hey Crector, could you put defense tools?
[22:44] Crector: ok
[22:45] Crector: Would that really make a difference vs. over 400 attackers?
[22:48] Crector: Ok, put out all of the defense rocks, falming arrows and bodkin arrows...Hope that makes a difference.
[23:06] Crector: Seems that the entire attacking army is made up of shadow acemen....whoever is behind ths attack must be pretty cheap...Now we can see if all those Halverdiers and Longbowmen are really worth the price of their voracious appetites.
[23:11] PariahXen: Greetings team mates.
[23:12] Crector: Weird...just befre the Shadow Mercs Internet fizzled.
[23:15] Crector: Hardly any loot taken  and not a single building on fire...pretty pointless if you ask me.
[23:16] Crector: No honor lost either.
[23:17] Crector: Does anyone here need any resources?
[23:22] PariahXen: not yet
[23:25] ItsNotPersonal7: /hi guys
[23:42] Crector: Kind of nice of Dianais to spy on my castle, but not send any troop support....eveb though my spy report on her shows that she has 526 troops, but only 18 defense tools.
[01:02] Dianais: Hey Crector, not all time online here. Standard practice when you are not online is figure out what's your defense setup and communicate back to all.
[01:05] Dianais: When not online, no tools, all in defense in the middle, is sort of weak configuration against a strong attack. Which usually means many looses.
[01:08] Dianais: The recommended strategy when not online is to keep your defense 100% to one of the sides, supported by tools. That way you maximice chances to negate the extra 30% attack in the keep.
[01:14] Dianais: So when someone not online suffer an attack we usually try to figure defense setup with spy. Troops lost in a weak defense setup are troops not available to support defense against another attack.
[01:22] Dianais: Need to discuss when both online... will send a message later with a reminder of best options to maximice defense chances when not online.

FS No Mercy Alliance Chat September 4 2014

[16:44] xXSamuriKingXx: really?
[16:44] DarkRogue: yuppers
[16:44] xXSamuriKingXx: it says production is 56 though
[16:45] DarkRogue: is it in the red or green??
[16:45] xXSamuriKingXx: red
[16:45] DarkRogue: the numbers I mean
[16:45] xXSamuriKingXx: red
[16:45] xXSamuriKingXx: is the -106 thing
[16:45] DarkRogue: Okay one question how long does it say you got food to last for??
[16:46] xXSamuriKingXx: 11 hours
[16:46] DarkRogue: how many farms do ya have??
[16:46] xXSamuriKingXx: 2
[16:46] DarkRogue: build more
[16:46] xXSamuriKingXx: how?
[16:46] DarkRogue: yer running out of food and your troops will run off
[16:46] xXSamuriKingXx: oh
[16:47] DarkRogue: same as you did when you built the first 2 farms in the contruction screen bottom right of the screen see the hammer??
[16:47] xXSamuriKingXx: i didnt though
[16:48] xXSamuriKingXx: oh u mean farm houses
[16:48] DarkRogue: YES!! those little dudes
[16:48] xXSamuriKingXx: lol
[16:48] DarkRogue: thats your food producers
[16:49] xXSamuriKingXx: oh ok
[16:51] xXSamuriKingXx: still here right
[16:51] DarkRogue: for a little bit yeah
[16:52] xXSamuriKingXx: oh
[16:53] DarkRogue: don't worry I'll stay here I'll just check my screen every so often..
[16:53] xXSamuriKingXx: ok
[16:54] xXSamuriKingXx: thx
[16:54] DarkRogue: hey no prob we're here to look out for each other..:)
[16:54] xXSamuriKingXx: oh yeah btw imma give u some stone i have too much
[16:54] DarkRogue: okay...
[16:55] xXSamuriKingXx: its gunna take an hour
[16:56] DarkRogue: thats fine
[16:56] DarkRogue: I got no where to go..:)
[16:56] xXSamuriKingXx: ok
[16:59] xXSamuriKingXx: aww come on my farm is gunna take 25 mins to comopplete
[17:02] xXSamuriKingXx: im gunna go afk for a little while see u then
[18:05] DarkRogue: the Dark One is afk for a bit
[05:43] Mighty Lioness: Morning
[08:55] DarkRogue: BOO!!
[09:55] King Thad: morning gail
[09:56] Knightengail: good morning
[09:57] King Thad: are you holding out for a superfood op?
[09:58] King Thad: or is a regular food op do-able?
[15:30] xXSamuriKingXx: hi
[15:30] xXSamuriKingXx: anyone
[15:30] xXSamuriKingXx: oops lol
[15:40] xXSamuriKingXx: guys when u log on if u decide to give me recources (u dont need to and im not asking) please food not stone or wood i dont need any but thx anyways :)
[16:27] hftrex: House Forsaken was the name of a multi-game clan that originally started in and had at its height 400 members.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Message to GaryM September 4, 2014

As you may recall, about 3 weeks ago, I expressed interest in joining your alliance, but ultimately wound up joining Elite Reich,  However, after learning, among other things, that the Reich was running at least 2 multis ( bo jangles and Tj2 ) to spy on other alliances, I felt that I no longer wished to remain with the Reich and left it.

I then joined the "LOF:Mars League" thinking that it was a legitimate LOF alliance only to discover that it was basically dead in the water with a more or less inactive leader.  Even worse, I was informed by Darkn Lady of the main LOF alliance that the Mars League has no relation with LOF whatsoever.

At first, I tried to apply for some of the other LOF alliances but after getting no real response, I recalled that your alliance was originally called LOF Blood or something like that.

Questiion:  May I join your alliance?

Thank yu for your consideration,

Charles Rector aka Crector

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Legion of Aid ChatLog June 21st 2014(2)

[20:04] Bleeding THC: i tried
[20:04] Bleeding THC: i wont get there for an hour
[20:04] Bleeding THC: lol
[20:04] Bleeding THC: if you get looted too bad ill send you supplies
[20:05] flammingcarrot: im confused
[20:06] Bleeding THC: when someone attacks you and if they win they will loot some of youe supplies, like wood, stone, food. did you win or lose?
[20:06] flammingcarrot: lose
[20:06] Bleeding THC: what did they take
[20:07] flammingcarrot: i lost all my men but its okay i have 10,000 coins
[20:07] flammingcarrot: wood and food
[20:07] Bleeding THC: you will need food to get them started again
[20:07] Bleeding THC: i will send 500 food
[20:07] Bleeding THC: who was the attacker?
[20:08] Crector: I'm sending 500 wood
[20:08] flammingcarrot: i forget sry
[20:08] Bleeding THC: well food is on its way
[20:08] Crector: You should have received a reort   look it up
[20:09] flammingcarrot: i deleted the report after i looked at it
[20:09] flammingcarrot: thx for the food
[20:09] Crector: report
[20:09] Bleeding THC: no problem
[20:09] Bleeding THC: will take a while to get there but its on its way
[20:10] flammingcarrot: thx dood
[20:10] Bleeding THC: no biggy
[20:10] flammingcarrot: :)
[20:11] Bleeding THC: how are your defenses?
[20:11] flammingcarrot: let me check
[20:12] flammingcarrot: good i just lost alout in the front and the right flank
[20:13] Bleeding THC: how many men did you have
[20:13] flammingcarrot: 70
[20:14] flammingcarrot: now i have 65 so im good
[20:14] Bleeding THC: k
[20:14] flammingcarrot: just i need food they consume so much more then i make
[20:15] Bleeding THC: yeah, i have like 5 food mills to compensate for that lol. i make more than i consume
[20:16] flammingcarrot: nice
[20:16] flammingcarrot: gtg see ya dood
[20:16] Bleeding THC: alright, have fun
[21:05] Bleeding THC: You have a player named swaggmaster attacking a lot of our clanmates. he is attacking 2 right now as we speak
[21:06] Bleeding THC: i am sending a small amount of reinforcements to one of the two, might want to retaliate, he is level 15
[21:07] Ivan6678: We are the ones attacking him.
[21:07] Ivan6678: He is trying to take over one of the leaders outposts.
[21:07] Bleeding THC: looks to me like he has calvary moving TOWARDS 2 mates and 1 alliance
[21:19] Bleeding THC: your actually the one im sending support to lmao
[23:37] Crector: Got attacked by Dwight, Jr.
[23:39] Bleeding THC: Lets do some work on him.
[23:40] Bleeding THC: Can someone tell me how to get more spies
[23:42] Crector: Eventually you can lvl up the tavern.  You could get another tavern, but I'd advise against it.
[23:43] Crector: Dwight Jr. is Lvl 16.  Wait until someof the others are on board.
[23:43] Bleeding THC: ah the tavern
[23:43] Bleeding THC: i forgot about that

Legion of Aid ChatLog June 17th/20th, 2014

00:37] Crector: Have you found them to be useful?
[00:42] Crector: I see that you are attacking ricklee as well...that should yield great results
[00:48] manav ganjoo: yeahh they have prove to be useful
[01:00] Crector: I can't hire any more mercs because I have hardly any coins left....someone must be stealing my coins.
[01:03] Crector: Defeated by ricklee, but killed most of his defenders.
[01:15] devils feary: send me the battle report for ricklee.
[01:17] Crector: Sent.  I've lost 10 coins just a few minutes ago.  Is there any way to withdraw funds from the alliance fund without the Leader doing it?
[01:18] Crector: Would you by any chance have his email address?
[01:18] devils feary: I don't have it and I doubt you can do anything without him/her doing that.
[01:20] devils feary: I just ricklee but a warning to you guys the last time I beat this guy I was stomped by a level 40+ member of his alliance and lost like 200 soldiers. You guys better have my back if they come at me again
[01:23] Crector: Understood.
[01:23] devils feary: If you guys are worried about coins when you see the little wagons by your castle look for the one called shady characters they have you beat easy castles and pay out thousands of coins for doing it.
[01:24] Crector: However, he's not a member of an alliance at tthe moment.
[01:25] devils feary: Interesting he was a membe of Kreigh wright or something like that before and I was crushed almost immediately after beating him.
[01:28] Crector: Would you be interested in a swap 500 Wod or 500 stone fofr 500 cpoins.  My military has been reduced to 10 and I have only 102 coins left.
[01:32] devils feary: send me 1000 wood to my outpost and I will send you 500 coins.
[01:33] devils feary: scratch that my market barons can't sent coins. Do you know another way to send money?
[01:35] Crector: No.
[01:35] Crector: Tearing doen a stone quarry to build guardhouse.
[01:47] devils feary: pwingnubsta is being attacked and I cannot get troops there in time to help him out. Anyone else able to lend a hand?
[01:48] manav ganjoo: no he is too far
[01:50] devils feary: I am attacking a level 17 castle eroebor if anyone wants to join in.
[01:50] manav ganjoo: i m attack ing ricklee
[02:00] Crector: Nubsta is under attack.  Just sent him 500 wood....better use of than donating to the alliance fund...
[02:31] Crector: Lost my broadband connection for a bit...
[09:59] King James I: good morning
[06:27] eris: heloo
[06:34] eris: hello everyone
[08:23] manav ganjoo: hello
[09:35] iannini21: sup
[11:24] FMED: Hey who is on?
[18:00] Crector: Nubsta is under attack.
[19:09] gamermax5: hey
[19:12] Crector: Thanks for promoting me to Deputy...
[19:12] gamermax5: welcome
[19:13] Crector: However, I've donated 6,000 coins to the alliance fund, why can't get any of them back when I really need it?
[19:14] gamermax5: you can not take anything back out of the alliance fund nor can you trade coins in this game
[19:15] Crector: So, how can the alliance fund be disbursed?
[19:16] gamermax5: oh soory i really have to go bye
[19:26] Crector: As you may have noticed, I have just been promoted to Deputy.  As such, I'd like to know what the rest of you want done differently and also how many of you are up for some good old fashioned gang banging.
[19:27] Crector: I wanted to send that as an alliance wide message, but it wouldn't let me saying that I am "not allowed to use bad words."  Can anyone here tell me what bad words I used.
[19:27] Crector: ?
[20:08] Ivan6678: A level five attacked me with nine guys....
[20:37] devils feary: I am up for war let me know when. Good luck on that level 5. lol
[20:39] devils feary: Actually, barbiegirl1234 sent me this threat after I crushed her castle if anyone is up for an alliance wide beating on her and her alliance:
[20:42] devils feary: From barbiegirl1234: Attack my alliance again and your castle will be the last thing you see cause it is crumbling down. Oh wait, I know my friend is a lev 21 and he can kick your ass bich so don't attack my team or alliance again!
[20:49] devils feary: Crector & Ivan let's find a few more players from her alliance and crush them as our way to send a clear message.
[20:55] devils feary: Can someone send me wood I would be happy to send stone in return
[21:24] miketheking123: HI GUYS I"M NEW HERE SHOW ME AROUND!
[21:33] Crector: I'll send you wood.  We'll need more active members before we commit ourselves to a full-scale war.  So I'm going to dump inactives and try to get some fresh blood.

Message to Uma777 September 2nd 2014

A few days ago, I joined the LOF: Mars League only to discover that it is basically dead in the water with a leader who is pretty much inactive.  Other than myself, it appears thaat there are only a small handful of active players.

I got interested in LOF after discovering its website and would like to stay with it, but in an active alliance.  Noticed that there are a number of open roster slots in your alliance and am wondering if I could join your branch of LOF.

Thank you for your consideration,

Charles Rector aka Crector

Monday, September 1, 2014

Legion of Aid Chat Log June 16th/17th 2014

[13:19] agothur: guys i got attacked
[13:19] Crector: by whom?
[13:20] agothur: barbiegirl
[13:21] Crector: Didn't she attack Cat once?
[13:22] Crector: Unfortunately your barrows are gone, so I can't send you humanitarian relief at the moment.
[13:23] Crector: It says that this player is not yet in the game.  Does sbe have a number after her name?
[13:24] Crector: I tried finding her earlier today, but could not find her in Cat's vicinity.
[13:38] Crector: I'd like to know where barbiegirl is since I'm going to be gone for most of the afternoon, so a long range expedition would be OK.
[16:13] agothur: shes under me  then a little bit to the right
[16:14] agothur: yes its barbiegirl234
[17:21] Crector: "The player was not found"
[17:22] Crector: That happens so often that there must be something screwy with GGE's database.
[17:27] Crector: Checked out agothur's castle and found barbiegirl in his vicinity.  Turns out that I had sent a Spy there right after she attacked Cat.  Going to build up with mercs and get her later tonight.  Anyone else here up for some good old fashioned gangbanging?
[17:30] Crector: Just sent Pureness humanitarian relief.  Still can't send agothur anything because his market barrows or whatever have not returned.
[21:46] Ivan6678: I got attacked.
[21:46] Ivan6678: XD
[21:46] Ivan6678: Go offline for a day or two.
[21:51] Crector:
[21:51] Crector: Why go offline?
[21:53] Ivan6678: I ment "I go offline for a few days, and come back to find i was attacked."
[21:54] Crector: ok
[21:57] Crector: Who attacked you?
[21:58] Ivan6678: Gavercules
[21:59] Ivan6678: Ill drn
[21:59] Ivan6678: XD
[21:59] Ivan6678: Ill send Agother something
[22:01] Crector: A Robber Baron's army is heading your way.
[22:01] Ivan6678: I sent 500 of each resource.
[22:02] Ivan6678: I saw.
[22:02] Ivan6678: Thanks
[22:02] Crector: Did you read my post on the GGE Forum?
[22:02] Ivan6678: No.
[22:02] Ivan6678: I might later but i need to go now.
[22:03] Ivan6678: Have fun.
[22:03] Crector: OK.
[22:05] Crector: AOD Elite Scout Spy is headed my way.
[22:58] manav ganjoo: hj
[23:11] Crector:
[23:11] Crector: Did you read my forum post?
[01:04] manav ganjoo: yup
[01:53] Crector: What did you think of it?
[10:50] gamermax5: hi this is the leader
[10:57] Crector: The leader came  and went in a flash of dust without even saying Hi Yo Silver..
[10:58] Crector: At least he could have posted to the alliance notice board.
[10:59] agothur: that was the leader gamermax5
[11:06] agothur: im not allowed to tell.well bye guys i will  miss all of you and good luck too
[11:07] Crector: Must be his girlfriend.
[11:17] Crector: Just found another relic fragment but lost 3 Traveling Knights in the process.
[13:51] Crector: Did anyone attack barbiegirl1234?  I wanted to, but it required a 5 unit attack.