Friday, February 19, 2016

Tiger-Cats Chat February 18/19 2016

[19:18] SLSiCon: I agree with you.
[19:20] SLSiCon: Our allies and others don't see what we see or what is really happening and they tend to believe this urmom person over us.  Some allies.....SMH
[19:20] SLSiCon: But I need your imput, Crector, please
[19:21] Crector: Zero tribute or nothing.
[19:23] SLSiCon: Sounds good to me. I'll infom Technowizard  and thank him, again, for the time and effort he put into the negeoations
[19:23] Crector: If ROF really is going for 50% tribute, then that will be a long war and it increases the chance that we will be able to get peace with them.
[19:23] Crector: Have you contacted the MIlitary Guys or the Knights Templars?
[19:24] Crector: What was the other alliance than ROF that you said tht you had friends in?
[19:24] SLSiCon: No I have not and in honesty I didn't contactTW either . He said that you had contacted him.  I assumed he meant before handing me the reigns.
[19:25] SLSiCon: The other wad KON but they won't help either
[19:26] SLSiCon: They have their hands full with the server war but gave us some pointers last night
[19:32] SLSiCon: I assume Warzone talked with Mojo. They are a cousin of us.  As 2 Park came over from the parent alliance to be our hitman
[19:33] Crector: Yes
[19:35] SLSiCon: We are a part of the vincula family.  There are five or so cousins .  Did he contact them too?
[19:36] Crector: Don't know.  You'd have to ask him.  Have to go for a while.
[20:21] Crector: Back
[20:32] SLSiCon: what? for a hot minute?  LOL
[21:05] SLSiCon: oh, there you are.
[21:09] Crector: Anything else to talk about while I rebuild?
[21:15] SLSiCon: Have you decided how you are going to spend our SI bonus?
[21:15] Crector: I was thinking of just uppind the attack looting bonus.  What do you think?
[21:18] SLSiCon: They all sound good,  I like that one and we need to work on attack and support speed too
[21:21] Crector: Uping support speed might nt be possible.
[21:23] Crector: And if it is possible, then it would likely use up our entire stock of rubis.  for a 15% boost.
[21:23] SLSiCon: Park  What is your next attack plan
[21:24] SLSiCon: Yeah, lets not do that one yet then
[21:26] SLSiCon: reminds me to donate my 10 whole rubies today    lol
[21:27] Crector: I'm saving mine up to expand one of my hospitals.
[21:28] SLSiCon: good idea
[21:29] SLSiCon: there go trenchgums again  poop peep
[21:30] SLSiCon: not poop but I meant poor
[21:36] 2 park ave: i have one onits way to tommi's ice and setting up tommi on sands then i'll do all trhee for mom
[21:40] SLSiCon: I'm following you in...  lol
[21:59] SLSiCon: Avec's bird is expiring
[22:01] Crector: After the bird goes, you could send your troops on a multi-hour round trip attack before you hit the sack.
[22:01] SLSiCon: like to Tommy's  lol
[07:17] Buzzooka: gm
[08:10] SLSiCon: Tommy went under the bird........  My troops didn;t fight!!  :-(
[09:13] bigberry56: i just got a attacked and lost
[09:15] bigberry56: :(
[09:16] bigberry56: :-(
[09:16] bigberry56: :-) =-)
[09:19] SLSiCon: forward the battle report
[09:30] SLSiCon: I've built as much as I want to in SI starting to demolish now....
[09:37] SLSiCon: I just sent pooyou and ringmaster messages telling them that their leader have been told several times that the attacks on them will cease as soon as they accept our peace proposal of zero tributebut the leaders say that neith of your two will agree to stopping the war.  Crector's attacks will cease as soon as peace is agreed upon.  And if you want to move over here into our alliance after the war we will be glad to help you rebuild.
[09:55] SLSiCon: Buzz and Tunnel - can you help Crector with the attacks on these two please?
[10:28] tunnel master: sure
[10:35] SLSiCon: Great!! Can anyone else join in on these two castles and ops?
[10:44] SLSiCon: You lower levels that keep asking me for a promotion and I tell you you need to prove how valuable you are... well, now is the time.  Pick you out a lower level player n Anarchy and hit them, hit them over and over again until this war ends.
[10:45] SLSiCon: Don;t forget everyone must be forwarding their battle reports win or lose to the alliance.  It is a required part of being in an alliance.

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