Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tiger-Cats Chat February 17 2016

[08:47] SLSiCon: not her but hear  lol
[08:54] SLSiCon: forgot to bring m troops back earlier this mroning    blah
[09:05] SLSiCon: Buzz, Is that somethng you tink you can figure out and bring together?
[10:21] SLSiCon: Everyone should have a frree wheel of fortune spin outdside their main castle!
[10:24] SLSiCon: Legendary Level 1.... whoo hoo
[11:37] SLSiCon: Advice from a friend......   I do recommend that all of you mass on that guy.  If your whole alliance will take a day or two and tower up/ hit his main and all of his op's in grass.  It will back him off.I would not communicate back with him.  Just leads to more problems.  You could also go under the bird for a couple of days or a week to get the focus off you.  I still think that massing on him is best/ shows coordination and that you can do the same on the next member that they mess with.
[11:37] SLSiCon: Buzz?  What say you about coordinating these attacks?
[11:51] SLSiCon: Hey dda   I wish your weren't so far away.  DO have have any interest in moving closer?
[11:51] SLSiCon: You are on alot and I like that.,LOL
[11:53] SLSiCon: trenchgums attacking peep60.  does anyone need their daily sab points?  IF so go for trenchgums
[12:28] SLSiCon: New Tommy coming in to Park's Ice castle  in 20 minutes.....  no way to get there
[13:00] 2 park ave: little pickerwood just missed him
[13:00] 2 park ave: see cleaned them out when i see them coming
[13:04] SLSiCon: LOL
[13:08] SLSiCon: spy camp is here
[13:08] SLSiCon: If you don't want those pesky RBs bothering you for a couple of days
[16:39] Crector: Msg from klemal of SF USAF Knights:
[16:40] Crector: So whats the deal with these guys? Are you burning them or what? One of them seems to have tried to nab one of the Colonel's op's and so Chlo-Chlo got involved and sent her army to boot them the Colonel is a relative.....and so they declared war on us. They also seem to be in a war with someone else as many of their castles are burning. I have not yet replied to their declaration but am thinking about grabbing some glory off of them. They don't scare me.
[16:40] Crector: My response to klemal:
[16:40] Crector: What happened was that there was this guy named ring master 17 who was not in an alliance and who appeared to be inacitve and so I attacked him.  After I attacked him, he joined Anarchy but I could not withdraw my army.  I sent him msg offering to send resources as compensation, but thier Auto War was on even though there was no mention fo that in their alliance description.  Subsequent to that, they sent all sorts of wild claims to players in allied alliances claiming that I was some sort of war criminal who attacked outposts and stuff.  These people are about the worst group that I have ever encountered in GGE.   Its probably only a matter of tie before thay make war on everyone else, so its probably better that they declared war on you guys now so you don't have to facce them later.
[17:29] Crector: klemal's later reply:
[17:29] Crector: sounds like a bunch of kids
[18:41] Crector: Does anyone here want to retake my food RV in Ice?  btw,if you retake it, you can hold on to it as long as the war with Anarchy lasts.
[18:53] 2 park ave: is that the one tommi has or another one?
[18:56] Crector: NewTommyB
[18:57] 2 park ave: i'll go for it again
[19:13] Crector: thank you
[19:14] Crector: Further msg fro klemal:
[19:14] Crector: pooyoo has been on my list for a long time...but he is always burning so I dont attack....beliieve me, I am keeping a eye on everwinter too....and they are burning there :o)
[20:01] SLSiCon: My friend from ROF just declared war on Anarchy!!!   LOL  They will have their hands full now.
[20:04] SLSiCon: I;m also sending this message to everyone in their allaince....."I am reporting you to GGE and the FCC for extortion, (You do realize that what you have done is illegal?)  A federal crime if over State lines, and guess what, the internet is over international lines.You can keep your war for a lifetime, I have no desire to ever end this war if you think that is how it will be ended"
[20:08] SLSiCon: from my friend in ROF.....We are hitting them now, all worlds, if you have anything to hit with now is a good time
[20:19] SLSiCon: better get that rv now.... they are already askin ROF for peace  lol
[20:24] Crector: Did ROF declare war on them?  Did you see the above where klemal said that they declared war on SF USAF Knights?
[20:24] Crector: That must be why they have not attacked us today....I needed that respite.
[20:27] SLSiCon: Yes, ROF declared war on them because of that message that they sent you about the walmart  card or paypal... LOL  I had been keeping them updated on the attacks and thefts of our rvs.  I guess the extortion was the last straw.   hahahaha
[20:27] SLSiCon: poor SF USAF Knights.... these people are unhinged....  it's supposed to be all fun and games
[20:28] Crector: You mean Anarchy is unhinged.  What does ROF stand for?
[20:28] SLSiCon: Yes, I am sure you did!! Hopefully is lasts for awhile
[20:29] SLSiCon: Yes, sorry Anarchy not the knights   lol    Reign of Fire
[20:39] SLSiCon: crector do you still have the message from ur mom wanting money?
[20:43] Crector: I believe so.  Do you want it?
[20:44] Crector: There are only a very few msg's that I have archived.
[20:45] Crector: Hello, i am writting you today to inform you that due to your actions in either attacking a lower level player, attacking a outposts, taking a rv or repeated attacks the results of your actions are your have become a farm account and will be looted for resources until suvch time that you return all resources to the outpoats you have hit or return the rvs taken or make some effort to put out all fir n the members castle you have attack (wal mart gift card or paypal preffered paymant methods) continued agression on your part may result in a demand of 50% of your alliance funds bebeing added to the cost of your actions. this is a standarded form letter and there is no need to reply until such time you are ready to make up for your actions.  thank you for your time and have a nice day.                                                          ~ ur mom knows ~                                                    ~ Leader of Anarchy ~"You must Defeat Sheng Long to stnd a Chance"
[20:46] SLSiCon: Cool  Thanks
[20:50] Crector: Didn't you say that you had friends in an alliance other than ROF who were willling to make some attacks on Anarchy?
[20:51] SLSiCon: I did but then I got a message from him  hold on.....
[20:53] Crector: When 2 park ave took out pooyou's main, he really wrecked the place.
[20:58] SLSiCon: COOL!!!
[20:58] SLSiCon: message form ROF.... New tommy open gates, he is a coward, and has now spent rubies lolI am curious how many times he can open gates lol

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