Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tiger-Cats Chat July 30 2015

[22:20] SLSiCon: hahahahaha
[22:21] warzone2: took what back he still has two cap's and a bunch of attacks
[22:21] warzone2: do any of you have support at bma?
[22:24] SLSiCon: There was a cap coming in from Paul something a couple mins ago to an RV called Stoner.  I didn't read it very well because I assumd it was Paul and bma
[22:24] SLSiCon: I do not have any support with bma.   I told paul that I would not.
[22:24] Thuvia: I don't.  Nothing has come up on the movement list, and last I heard no one was quite sure what was going on.  And I barely have a foothold in ice atm
[22:26] SLSiCon: and there
[22:26] SLSiCon: s anothr
[22:26] SLSiCon: 7 minuted to clairmont....
[22:29] warzone2: don't worry
[22:29] warzone2: you don't have to fully support just one man to see  what happens
[22:30] warzone2: the rest of bma's on green have incoming too, so get one troop to his main and each op
[22:31] SLSiCon: Paul said if we support he will hit us
[22:31] Thuvia: He cant now, we have pact with reckoning
[22:33] SLSiCon: Thuvia, You gonna support then?
[22:34] SLSiCon: i told Paul that I would not.
[22:34] Thuvia: I am not sure what to do, to be honest warzone is just suggesting 1 man so that person will get the battle report I think
[22:34] warzone2: you don't have to support just one guy there will be no battle
[22:34] SLSiCon: ohhhhh
[22:34] warzone2: they will bounce
[22:35] SLSiCon: I see
[22:35] Thuvia: That's what I was going to ask, lol
[22:35] SLSiCon: Thats why bma still has stoner then
[22:35] warzone2: still have to sort rv's i think one each
[22:35] SLSiCon: I wondered how hard he has to stock it   LOLOL
[22:36] SLSiCon: one each sounds fair
[22:38] Thuvia: I sent a guy to bma's mmain and closeset op.  If someone could cover the other 2
[22:41] warzone2: how about murks thats not going to bounce
[22:41] Thuvia: I've got some guys headed that way, hope he's got his defense set up good :p
[22:42] warzone2: 12 min to spy report
[22:46] SLSiCon: Ok, how quick do I need to get to bma?  I'll message Paul and explain what I'm doing
[22:47] SLSiCon: I don't want him to think that I not a man of my word
[22:48] Crector: I thought that you were a gal.
[22:50] SLSiCon: hmmmm
[22:52] warzone2: you don't have to message paul he knows, and at this point he won'rt know about one guy
[22:58] SLSiCon: All those yellow banners  on the map sure look nice
[22:58] warzone2: if you have support there you should see them start to bounce back no battles
[22:59] SLSiCon: That is too cool
[22:59] warzone2: you can forward the reports so others can see them
[22:59] SLSiCon: I learned something else today.
[22:59] warzone2: stop learning means your dead
[23:00] SLSiCon: hahahaha
[23:08] warzone2: where did we come up with the name tiger-cats, its the name of a foot ball team
[23:11] SLSiCon: Crector picked it.  He said a former player came up with it but it wouldn't fit with the uSAF stuff
[23:18] SLSiCon: SHEW    new fires should be out in main in about an hour and 15 mins.
[23:18] SLSiCon: Now to get my wood op under control
[23:20] SLSiCon: War, how did you know about bma's incoming attacks so soon?
[23:23] warzone2: i've been talking to mojo, he's been talking to paul
[23:24] warzone2: attacks were to far out when mojo logged on waited for me and came up with the pact should have been done b4 this
[23:25] warzone2: i have a quesxtion for you sls why so far out you could get one much closer to your main

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