Wednesday, July 29, 2015

SF USAF Chat July 29th 2015

[04:23] Crector: Storm Islands is the only realm game that I'vefound to be worth the effort
[04:27] warzone2: yes good rewards but i fould your always building and it all is lost in 30 days
[04:28] warzone2: it has good alliance rewards too
[04:49] warzone2: good nite all
[04:56] Crector: good night
[14:18] sunny007: hello all
[14:20] Thuvia: Hi Sunny
[15:38] Thuvia: We have an agreement with IF:BiT?
[20:38] Crector: No, we do not
[20:40] Crector: Here are 3 msg'sa that I got from paul1958 that I got when I was AFK:
[20:40] Crector: bmarocks took an op I am requesting from the leader of our alliance to declare war unless it is returned in 15 minshe took the rv from a different member of the alliance it wasn't  even me it was paul1976.  As I said last nite if he wanted to continue the war we would and this act says its war.  I will have our leader confirm and as I said we will only go for him as long as he remains unsupportedI will let you know what mojo says
[21:08] SLSiCon: Whoa,  What's bma
[21:08] SLSiCon: s deal?
[21:09] SLSiCon: I'm pretty sure that you explained everything to him, Crector.
[21:09] SLSiCon: Are these attacks new?
[21:30] Crector: Yes.
[21:30] Crector: My msg to paul1958:
[21:30] Crector: If it becomes necessary, I will kick bmarocks out.
[21:31] Crector: SLS:  When wiill you be back for good?
[21:32] SLSiCon: In the morning I will be back on full time
[21:33] SLSiCon: That makes me sad about bma.
[21:40] Crector: Another msg from Paul1958:
[21:40] Crector: I just want the rv back, we have no intentions of attacking anyone else in your alliance.  I repeat I nor paul1976 have no intentions of attacking anyone other then bmarocks.  Additionally I will ensure that no one from our alliance will attack anyone else in your alliance.
[21:41] Crector: Don't know if you remember this, but bma ddid get us in a war with H.I.V.E. in Storm Islands.
[21:50] SLSiCon: Yes, I do remember.  I say let him stay in but don't support him in any attacks againt these two Pauls.  IF,  IF, IF he is caping the RVs against your wished then he gets whatever they give him.
[21:51] SLSiCon: and maybe you need to remind him that you are the one in charge and that the rules are for him also.... unless he talks to you first.
[21:51] SLSiCon: he is a good player and a good asset.  Hopefully this winter he gets back on full time.
[21:52] SLSiCon: Do you remember that he is only 17 years old?
[21:58] Thuvia: If vma took an OP shouldn;t the occupy time still be listed in troop movments?
[21:58] Thuvia: or is this not recent
[22:01] Crector: Apparently not.
[22:01] Thuvia: And with the rv's didn;t he say for them to retake them and offered compensation to boot?
[22:02] SLSiCon: mojo originally said to just let them fight it out if they wanted to.  I'm not sure where his stance is now..
[22:03] SLSiCon: I think that is what bma told us he was doing.
[22:03] SLSiCon: did anyone see the reports or the travel on the travel map?
[22:04] Crector: I din't....remember there is an option to leave movements unchecked.
[22:05] SLSiCon: true, but  IF that is happening then hes sneaking
[22:06] Thuvia: If the op cap was recent even of he unchecked the box, the map icon would still show the op as in contention.  and why wait so long to bitch about the op cap if it was days ago?
[22:06] SLSiCon: Bma has 6 RVs right now any idea which one they ar fighting over?
[22:07] SLSiCon: are Rvs different, Thuvia?
[22:08] SLSiCon: This Paul has 7 right now
[22:08] Thuvia: Ya, ops are in green, rv;s are in ice and dont think you have to hold them.  soon as u cap the rv it is yours.  And Bma said he apologized and for them to take them back
[22:09] Thuvia: Regretably I haven;t found an rv yet :(
[22:09] Thuvia: an open one
[22:10] SLSiCon: Bma is our brother, maybe we should get more info from Paul.  or Proof from Paul.....
[22:11] Crector: I have never ever seen an open RV.
[22:11] Crector: I'll ask Paul for proof right now.
[22:12] SLSiCon: Yes, and a better time line....
[22:14] SLSiCon: Paul 1976 just has one RV
[22:16] SLSiCon: there is also a Paul2012 in the same alliance.   I was thinking  birth years until I saw that one.....  hahahaha

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