Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tiger-Cats Chat July 30 2015

[22:20] SLSiCon: hahahahaha
[22:21] warzone2: took what back he still has two cap's and a bunch of attacks
[22:21] warzone2: do any of you have support at bma?
[22:24] SLSiCon: There was a cap coming in from Paul something a couple mins ago to an RV called Stoner.  I didn't read it very well because I assumd it was Paul and bma
[22:24] SLSiCon: I do not have any support with bma.   I told paul that I would not.
[22:24] Thuvia: I don't.  Nothing has come up on the movement list, and last I heard no one was quite sure what was going on.  And I barely have a foothold in ice atm
[22:26] SLSiCon: and there
[22:26] SLSiCon: s anothr
[22:26] SLSiCon: 7 minuted to clairmont....
[22:29] warzone2: don't worry
[22:29] warzone2: you don't have to fully support just one man to see  what happens
[22:30] warzone2: the rest of bma's on green have incoming too, so get one troop to his main and each op
[22:31] SLSiCon: Paul said if we support he will hit us
[22:31] Thuvia: He cant now, we have pact with reckoning
[22:33] SLSiCon: Thuvia, You gonna support then?
[22:34] SLSiCon: i told Paul that I would not.
[22:34] Thuvia: I am not sure what to do, to be honest warzone is just suggesting 1 man so that person will get the battle report I think
[22:34] warzone2: you don't have to support just one guy there will be no battle
[22:34] SLSiCon: ohhhhh
[22:34] warzone2: they will bounce
[22:35] SLSiCon: I see
[22:35] Thuvia: That's what I was going to ask, lol
[22:35] SLSiCon: Thats why bma still has stoner then
[22:35] warzone2: still have to sort rv's i think one each
[22:35] SLSiCon: I wondered how hard he has to stock it   LOLOL
[22:36] SLSiCon: one each sounds fair
[22:38] Thuvia: I sent a guy to bma's mmain and closeset op.  If someone could cover the other 2
[22:41] warzone2: how about murks thats not going to bounce
[22:41] Thuvia: I've got some guys headed that way, hope he's got his defense set up good :p
[22:42] warzone2: 12 min to spy report
[22:46] SLSiCon: Ok, how quick do I need to get to bma?  I'll message Paul and explain what I'm doing
[22:47] SLSiCon: I don't want him to think that I not a man of my word
[22:48] Crector: I thought that you were a gal.
[22:50] SLSiCon: hmmmm
[22:52] warzone2: you don't have to message paul he knows, and at this point he won'rt know about one guy
[22:58] SLSiCon: All those yellow banners  on the map sure look nice
[22:58] warzone2: if you have support there you should see them start to bounce back no battles
[22:59] SLSiCon: That is too cool
[22:59] warzone2: you can forward the reports so others can see them
[22:59] SLSiCon: I learned something else today.
[22:59] warzone2: stop learning means your dead
[23:00] SLSiCon: hahahaha
[23:08] warzone2: where did we come up with the name tiger-cats, its the name of a foot ball team
[23:11] SLSiCon: Crector picked it.  He said a former player came up with it but it wouldn't fit with the uSAF stuff
[23:18] SLSiCon: SHEW    new fires should be out in main in about an hour and 15 mins.
[23:18] SLSiCon: Now to get my wood op under control
[23:20] SLSiCon: War, how did you know about bma's incoming attacks so soon?
[23:23] warzone2: i've been talking to mojo, he's been talking to paul
[23:24] warzone2: attacks were to far out when mojo logged on waited for me and came up with the pact should have been done b4 this
[23:25] warzone2: i have a quesxtion for you sls why so far out you could get one much closer to your main

2014 FaceBook Conversations with Matthew Benson aka Bleeding THC from 2014

  • Conversation started July 25, 2014
  • Charles Rector
    7/25, 3:39pm
    Charles Rector

    Use the same kind of content as the LOF at Promote it on the GGE Forum and SEO it.
  • July 26, 2014
  • Matthew Benson
    7/26, 4:29am
    Matthew Benson

    still working on it

    why cant you send me messages?
  • July 28, 2014
  • August 2, 2014
  • Matthew Benson
    8/2, 4:13am
    Matthew Benson

    are you having problems getting on the game?
  • August 2, 2014
  • Matthew Benson
    8/2, 1:46pm
    Matthew Benson

    we can't get on for some reason
  • August 2, 2014
  • Charles Rector
    8/2, 6:45pm
    Charles Rector

    Not today, but I have had problems getting in the past. Recently had to download the latest version of Adobe Flash in order to access the game.
  • August 3, 2014
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:28am
    Charles Rector

    Just posted this to the GGE forum: The game would not let me send a message using the name Hitler explaining to another alliance member how appeasement does not work, and the game would not let me send it because Hitler is a bad word.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:30am
    Matthew Benson


    i have talked that alliance into dropping the lords 1

    they want a pact with us
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:33am
    Charles Rector

    No problem.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:34am
    Matthew Benson

    so do you want to continue the war or end it
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:35am
    Charles Rector

    Continue it.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:35am
    Matthew Benson

  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:36am
    Charles Rector

    What did you think of not being able to use Hitler in a game msg?

    Also, should I get Yahoo Internet Messenger?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:38am
    Matthew Benson

    i said grapevine in one earlier

    it said i couldnt say rape lol

    and yahoo sucks really, we only use it when we dont have phone service.

    but you can if you want
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:40am
    Charles Rector

    Was thinking we need some sort of out of game communications so that if GGE goes out of business, we could keep the active players together in a different game,.

    Despite the problems with eris & RedBeard, this is the best palyer's team I've been a part of in wuite some time.

  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:41am
    Matthew Benson

    the best way to get a hold of me is on facebook or text
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:42am
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:43am
    Matthew Benson

    if you really need to get a hold of me then 606-401-5592, but text only. my fiance and i share it.
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:43am
    Charles Rector

    I don;t have a cell phone or kindle let alone any texting and Internet are all I have.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:43am
    Matthew Benson

    have an xbox or anything?
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:44am
    Charles Rector

    Nope...I'm not an electronics kind of guy.

    I orefer reading books over reading on the Internet.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:44am
    Matthew Benson

    shame, thats where the real team magic happens.

    we go heavy into fps
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:48am
    Charles Rector

    Never played FPS.

    Only free browser-based games.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:49am
    Matthew Benson

    we used to be heavy into runescape
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:49am
    Charles Rector

    Strategy games.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:49am
    Matthew Benson

    we play a bit of everything, but strategy and war is my strong points.

    red is more of a rpg guy
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:50am
    Charles Rector

    Did you ever play text-based games before graphical games such as GGE became all the rage?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:51am
    Matthew Benson

    when i was a kid

    used to play oregon like a mad man
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:53am
    Charles Rector

    Never played Earth: 2025?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:53am
    Matthew Benson

    Don't believe so.

    I started on a old ass apple computer

    moved up to gameboys

    then consoles

    eventually browser based games

    still do it all when i can lol

    that deputy is attacking me
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 3:57am
    Charles Rector

    From landon's alliance?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 3:57am
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:00am
    Charles Rector

    Odd...would have thought that he'd be attacking someone who had attacked him.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:00am
    Matthew Benson


    hes got balls

    i have defense out the wazoo

    250 men

    cost him a pretty penny
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:06am
    Charles Rector

    So he lost?

    The General of The Ultras is right by landon's castle.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:08am
    Matthew Benson

    they like us more

  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:09am
    Charles Rector

    Does the fact that we have a pact mean that they might enter the war on our side?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:09am
    Matthew Benson

    i can sure try to talk them into it, but what if they don't want to enter for nothing?
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:12am
    Charles Rector

    Not asking you to ask them.

    If they think its in their best interest, they'll join in.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:13am
    Matthew Benson

    They seem pretty dumb
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:13am
    Charles Rector

    If you did ask them, you could offer them both of landon's outposts.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:14am
    Matthew Benson


    we shall see

    i think this guy has me, he has a lot of soldiers from events
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:18am
    Charles Rector

    You mean elite troops?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:18am
    Matthew Benson

    most of my guys are still on their way back

    yeah, like assassins and such

    250 of elite

    50 tools
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:19am
    Charles Rector

    Before you came, you could buy mercenaries such as Marauders and Pyromaniacs, but now only those stupid missions.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:20am
    Matthew Benson

    when i had a spy in their chat he was complaining about not being able to feed them

    we need to sabotage, attack, damage to the point to where he cant feed at all
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:21am
    Charles Rector

    My 76 man army took the main castle and gained 1 XP point that was all I needed to reach lvl 25.

    Don't you still ahcve a spy in their r alliance?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:24am
    Matthew Benson

    nope, they wiped it.

    they got rid of a lot of people cuz they suspected

    including my guy i think cuz he cant get back in
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:27am
    Charles Rector

    Red said that the spy's name was V

    There is still a guy named .V. on their roster.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:29am
    Matthew Benson

    for some reason he cannot log in
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:30am
    Charles Rector

    He's having problem getting into the game too?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:30am
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:30am
    Charles Rector

    Perhaps he needs to download the latest version of Flash.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:30am
    Matthew Benson

    its all of us

    we have all been getting problems in the same area
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:31am
    Charles Rector

    You and Red were eventually able to get into the game.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:31am
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:31am
    Charles Rector

    These things tend to end in a while.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:32am
    Matthew Benson


    hope i can defend this

    but i doubt it

    saving resources for repairs just in case

    he got me
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:39am
    Matthew Benson

    he wont help

    he says they are his friends
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:40am
    Charles Rector

    Who are you talking about?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:40am
    Matthew Benson

    the leader of that alliance

    he says he wont help in the war cuz he is friends with them
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:41am
    Charles Rector

    At least we got them to detach their deal with landon...that's a step in the right direction.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:42am
    Matthew Benson

    they seem young and naive
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:42am
    Charles Rector

    Red said earlier on that you talked to devil's did that go?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:43am
    Matthew Benson

    went great, hes a good guy.

    he apologized and told me how he like the alliance he was in and said he was glad to see we were doing so good
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:45am
    Charles Rector

    If Red had played Earth: 2025 back in the day, he would have realized that land grabs are a common occurrence.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:45am
    Matthew Benson

    he isnt that big into it as i am, he usually sticks to my advice and follows my lead when it comes to strategy

    he's a follower, not a leader
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:48am
    Charles Rector

  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:48am
    Matthew Benson

    but the good news is that they will not help them attack us
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:48am
    Charles Rector

    yes itis.

    it is
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:50am
    Matthew Benson

    we need to focus on the deputy

    he has the big troops

    landon is out of comission for a while
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:50am
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:51am
    Matthew Benson

    i wonder if he is buying rubies
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:51am
    Charles Rector

    That's one way to get elite troops.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:51am
    Matthew Benson

    thats a lot of troops for a lvl 19

    amazing how he feeds them with only 1 outpost
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:52am
    Charles Rector

    Well we hit that outpost and his castle today.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 4:52am
    Matthew Benson

    we need to take out his outpost first cuz it has level 5 barracks

    preferrebly both at the same time

    manav is beefing up

    so it should get sticky
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 4:58am
    Charles Rector

    for the deputy.

    Take it that wayned was defeated?
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 5:00am
    Matthew Benson

    yes, the deputy has a lot of elite troops

    wayned almost stood no chance

    i have come up with a possible agreement

    would it be plausible to give them peace if they move their castles far off
  • Charles Rector
    8/3, 5:05am
    Charles Rector

    That would be ok.

    Getting tired, have to go now.

    Good night.
  • Matthew Benson
    8/3, 5:11am
    Matthew Benson

    good night\