Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Alliance Chat June 24 2015

[11:54] Lubug: Gimlit1 was attacking or cousins OP's they wanted help now we have them are parent alliance and us attacking them
[11:55] KRAYMOND2: my attack on their level 26 will land in about another 2 hours
[11:55] Lubug: Okay good
[11:56] SLSiCon: Great! Kraymond!! I told Crector that you'd be in for this!
[11:56] SLSiCon: Fred will be sorry that he missed it.  He better hurry home soon.  tee hee
[11:58] Lubug: Just wrote a mass message about them for people who don't know
[12:01] Lubug: Oh an whoever wants an OP gimlits is far away but it has alot of ruby stuff such aslvl 3 stables
[12:01] Lubug: a lvl 4 bakery and more
[12:08] Thuvia: MSG from Stubot "Why are you attacking me?"
[12:17] SLSiCon: Because we are at war!  Tell him to talk with his alliance.
[12:19] Thuvia: He is one of it's deputies.  If he does't know probably few others do.  Were they informed of why we declared war?
[12:19] SLSiCon: I just received you message, Lubug and I don't agree. War means War.  We would not have went to war with the whole alliance if we didn't want to attack the whole alliance.  I would imagine that before klemel contacted Crector they probably tried to reason with gimlit and his alliance.
[12:20] SLSiCon: Thuvia ! I'm not sure who informed who and what took place before we were told to get involved...
[12:21] SLSiCon: When you have another alliance that you sub under this can happen.
[12:22] KRAYMOND2: i like it when they whine lol:))
[12:23] Thuvia: The allianc e that Gimlet attacked was referred to as our cousin not our main.  I am unsure of exactly what happened and don't want to reply when I am not sure and end up making things messier
[12:25] Thuvia: Their alliance msg also states Stubot as the contact point so I would think if anyone was told it would have been him
[12:25] KRAYMOND2: which is why before you attack read alliance description:)))
[12:29] KRAYMOND2: tell him today you have learned a valuable lesson
[12:29] KRAYMOND2: research before attacking:)))
[12:29] Thuvia: Stubot didnt attack anyone though
[12:32] KRAYMOND2: ya it kinda sucks when someone in your alliance does something dumb and everyone pays for it
[12:32] KRAYMOND2: but such is the game:))
[12:34] SLSiCon: Last night when Crector decided to declare war we discussed it in this forum.  He was contacted by our parent alliance and told to attack gimlet AND his alliance.
[12:34] KRAYMOND2: yup
[12:34] KRAYMOND2: happens
[12:34] KRAYMOND2: i have been on the recieving end before
[12:35] KRAYMOND2: it sucks lol
[12:35] SLSiCon: I agree Kraymond, maybe they should have thrown him out when they realized what he was doing.  That's what we do to members that we can't controll.
[12:35] SLSiCon: LOLOL
[12:38] KRAYMOND2: only way to do it
[12:38] KRAYMOND2: if you look up the alliance true legends on this server i started that one
[12:39] KRAYMOND2: and thats what i did you don't follow the rules your out
[12:39] SLSiCon: I will look it up, thanks!
[12:40] SLSiCon: Thuvia ~ I'll send him a message.  Thanks for letting me know that he contacted you.
[12:43] Thuvia: Thank you SLSI
[12:58] SLSiCon: Sent this.....     Stubot, You contacted Thuvia wondering why you are being attacked.   This is being sent in response to that inquiry. Apparently, You have let one of your members, Gimlet, get out of hand with our parent alliance.   Since you all are having trouble keeping them in line... we are all helping you do that!  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectively, SLSiCon
[13:03] KRAYMOND2: yup
[13:04] KRAYMOND2: that'll do it:))
[13:05] SLSiCon: ;-)
[13:07] Thuvia: Thank you :)
[13:12] SLSiCon: No problem.... anytime!
[14:16] KRAYMOND2: i was waiting all day for that:))
[14:36] SLSiCon: Good one!!
[14:53] KRAYMOND2: ya not bad
[14:54] KRAYMOND2: he had a lot of scouts he should have tried to hold at least one wall to keep me from getting the courtyard bonus
[14:55] KRAYMOND2: probably could have beat me
[15:39] KRAYMOND2: well getting ready to head out
[15:39] KRAYMOND2: cya all tomorrow
[16:00] SLSiCon: Bye

[19:21] Crector: The allaince that Gimlet1 attacked was S.F. STONECOLD and klemal is the Diplomat for all of SF USAF, not just the main alliance.
[19:36] Thuvia: TY Crector.  Gimlet musn't be a bright one
[19:39] Crector: Apparently not.

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