Friday, June 26, 2015

SF USAF Alliance Chat June 26 2015

[09:50] Thuvia: Thanks Kray, bbl, off to work, :)
[11:48] Lubug: No I had forgot to get my cargo points up but I think I can pull of getting 35 more points
[12:10] KRAYMOND2: arghhhh!!:)))
[12:19] Lubug: *350
[12:19] Lubug: Who?
[12:19] Lubug: Oh sorry read it wrong
[12:19] Lubug: Wait he attacked your OP
[12:31] SLSiCon: Morteza parsi ~ We DO NOT attack outposts of aliances who have their autowar turned on.
[12:32] SLSiCon: Tunnel Master has attacked you in retaliation of this attack that you completed on his outpost.
[12:33] SLSiCon: Do you have any prior issues with him?
[12:41] KRAYMOND2: oops caps lol
[12:41] KRAYMOND2: i am not that angry lol
[12:41] SLSiCon: hahaha
[12:41] SLSiCon: Not you!
[12:41] KRAYMOND2: lol
[12:42] SLSiCon: Morteza parsi...  a new member.
[12:42] KRAYMOND2: i am going to hit a few of their level 20's members if there are no objections
[12:42] SLSiCon: You good!
[12:43] SLSiCon: which alliance are youtalking about?
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: my army will be back home in 2 mis
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: did you see the report?
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: alliance bring it on
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: small weak
[12:43] SLSiCon: nope but Ill look now
[12:46] KRAYMOND2: well their king is already fried
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: as is their number 2
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: arghhhh:))
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: guess i got to swallow this onelol:))
[12:49] SLSiCon: he's a 16 you can still attcke with the 10 lkevel rule!  Go for it!
[12:50] KRAYMOND2: he's not worth any points
[12:50] KRAYMOND2: would just be revenge
[12:51] SLSiCon: His leaders might be fried because of his actions with other players....
[12:52] KRAYMOND2: probably
[12:53] KRAYMOND2: oh what the hell
[12:53] KRAYMOND2: revenge hit it is:)))
[12:56] KRAYMOND2: going to hit his castle and his outpost
[12:56] SLSiCon: Hey, revenge CAN be sweet!!!   LOL
[12:57] KRAYMOND2: at least i won't lose points for it
[12:58] SLSiCon: true
[12:58] KRAYMOND2: i've been crawling a long on points for viscount
[12:58] KRAYMOND2: this is really a waste of time but what the hell
[12:59] SLSiCon: hahahaha  maybe he'll learn a lesson or at least move on to bug someone else...
[13:01] KRAYMOND2: yup
[13:01] KRAYMOND2: those little stupid attacks are annoying
[13:02] SLSiCon: just a knat...  annoying
[15:17] KRAYMOND2: well getting ready to head out
[15:17] KRAYMOND2: cya all later
[17:09] sunny007: hello all my main all in fire againm

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