Monday, June 29, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat June 29 2015

[23:00] SLSiCon: Still 2 days left so maybe
[23:29] Thuvia: That division98 alliance is attacking Kraymonds op again
[01:06] Crector: That tunnnel master creep who's 19 lvls below mine just attempted to sabotage my castle....can someone here retaliate against hims for me?
[02:49] Crector: That tunnel master creep just attacked one of my outposts....he needs to be smashed right now.
[02:54] Crector: Well, folks it looks like we have just secured the ruby bonus in Storm Islands!
[05:23] sunny007: morning all
[05:32] SLSiCon: Yay!!!!  Boy, if Storm Island wasn
[05:33] SLSiCon: t  a team effort!!!!  Good job peeps!!!
[05:53] Crector: Yes it waas.
[06:28] KRAYMOND2: good morning
[06:30] SLSiCon: Hey Kray!!!  How ya doing/
[06:31] KRAYMOND2: stupid mdpittman wacking my outpost again:((
[06:33] KRAYMOND2: i am just going to start burning him on a regular basis
[06:37] KRAYMOND2: just ticks me off because i have to waste time on an attack for no points
[06:40] Steelman21: hello  I am new to your alliance
[06:40] KRAYMOND2: hello steel
[06:40] KRAYMOND2: welcome
[06:41] SLSiCon: welcome, steel
[06:41] Steelman21: i am new to this game as well
[06:41] Steelman21: so any tips are welcome
[06:42] SLSiCon: feel free to ask anything.  i
[06:43] SLSiCon: was new a couple of months ago as well
[06:43] SLSiCon: i will help in anyway that i can
[06:44] Steelman21: Should I attack a castle that has no alliance or contune to attack robber barron
[06:45] KRAYMOND2: attack mdpittman:))
[06:45] SLSiCon: you may attack ANYONE that is not in an alliance
[06:45] SLSiCon: we also have a target list under the alliance tab
[06:46] SLSiCon: and, yes, Kraymond has a knat that needs swatted  lol
[06:49] KRAYMOND2: that it was i meant about an idiot player that does not learn
[06:49] KRAYMOND2: annoying as all hell
[06:53] KRAYMOND2: i had a player once make me chase him around my rv's in ice for a month
[06:54] KRAYMOND2: i got so aggravated i ended up recruiting him:))
[07:00] KRAYMOND2: mdpittman a level 17 i will have his castle cleared out in about an hour if any lower level members want easy honor points
[07:43] Steelman21: Can anyone help with healing my armies?
[08:58] Steelman21: if someone  is getting attacked what should we do as members?  Should i send come men to help out?
[08:59] Steelman21: *some
[08:59] KRAYMOND2: if you have them and you can get there in time
[09:24] Steelman21: can we trade stone for wood?
[09:32] KRAYMOND2: you can with other members but not on your own
[09:33] KRAYMOND2: wish i could help ya out but i am loow myself:))
[09:34] Steelman21: Thanks , still learning.  Just founf about Equipment for the leaders of the army
[09:34] Steelman21: I had some items but did not know what they were for?
[09:39] KRAYMOND2: they are to equip your castles and commanders
[10:15] KRAYMOND2: wasted a good part of my morning burning thaat dummy
[10:15] KRAYMOND2: hopefully that is the end of it
[10:15] KRAYMOND2: :)0
[13:26] KRAYMOND2: stupid little attacks are so annoying
[13:26] Crector: Yes I do.
[13:27] KRAYMOND2: same thing with that 17 messing with my wood outpost

Saturday, June 27, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat June 27 2015

[12:43] KRAYMOND2: alliance bring it on
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: small weak
[12:43] SLSiCon: nope but Ill look now
[12:46] KRAYMOND2: well their king is already fried
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: as is their number 2
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: arghhhh:))
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: guess i got to swallow this onelol:))
[12:49] SLSiCon: he's a 16 you can still attcke with the 10 lkevel rule!  Go for it!
[12:50] KRAYMOND2: he's not worth any points
[12:50] KRAYMOND2: would just be revenge
[12:51] SLSiCon: His leaders might be fried because of his actions with other players....
[12:52] KRAYMOND2: probably
[12:53] KRAYMOND2: oh what the hell
[12:53] KRAYMOND2: revenge hit it is:)))
[12:56] KRAYMOND2: going to hit his castle and his outpost
[12:56] SLSiCon: Hey, revenge CAN be sweet!!!   LOL
[12:57] KRAYMOND2: at least i won't lose points for it
[12:58] SLSiCon: true
[12:58] KRAYMOND2: i've been crawling a long on points for viscount
[12:58] KRAYMOND2: this is really a waste of time but what the hell
[12:59] SLSiCon: hahahaha  maybe he'll learn a lesson or at least move on to bug someone else...
[13:01] KRAYMOND2: yup
[13:01] KRAYMOND2: those little stupid attacks are annoying
[13:02] SLSiCon: just a knat...  annoying
[15:17] KRAYMOND2: well getting ready to head out
[15:17] KRAYMOND2: cya all later
[17:09] sunny007: hello all my main all in fire againm
[22:03] SLSiCon: Who is attacking you, sunny?
[22:07] Crector: Or rather who did attack you, sunny?
[22:08] Crector: You need to sdend the Battle Report to the rest of the alliance.
[22:09] SLSiCon: Yep, yep
[23:22] SLSiCon: See ya
[23:22] SLSiCon: tomorrow
[23:23] SLSiCon: errrr  in the morning
[23:33] Lubug: Good nite
[06:21] sunny007: morning all
[06:39] KRAYMOND2: good morning
[08:00] SLSiCon: HI, Peeps!
[08:51] KRAYMOND2: oops caps again
[08:51] KRAYMOND2: i amnot that excited:))
[08:58] SLSiCon: hahahaha
[08:58] SLSiCon: You and those caps!!
[08:58] SLSiCon: Good luck withthe hit.
[09:02] KRAYMOND2: need a few more tools
[09:23] KRAYMOND2: thuvia you are slaying the glory points:))
[09:23] KRAYMOND2: nicely done
[09:45] Thuvia: I am plowing through the soldiers though.  I got the extra from the nobility contest and the war contest, so makes it easier to attack for now :)
[13:04] KRAYMOND2: oops caps

Friday, June 26, 2015

SF USAF Alliance Chat June 26 2015

[09:50] Thuvia: Thanks Kray, bbl, off to work, :)
[11:48] Lubug: No I had forgot to get my cargo points up but I think I can pull of getting 35 more points
[12:10] KRAYMOND2: arghhhh!!:)))
[12:19] Lubug: *350
[12:19] Lubug: Who?
[12:19] Lubug: Oh sorry read it wrong
[12:19] Lubug: Wait he attacked your OP
[12:31] SLSiCon: Morteza parsi ~ We DO NOT attack outposts of aliances who have their autowar turned on.
[12:32] SLSiCon: Tunnel Master has attacked you in retaliation of this attack that you completed on his outpost.
[12:33] SLSiCon: Do you have any prior issues with him?
[12:41] KRAYMOND2: oops caps lol
[12:41] KRAYMOND2: i am not that angry lol
[12:41] SLSiCon: hahaha
[12:41] SLSiCon: Not you!
[12:41] KRAYMOND2: lol
[12:42] SLSiCon: Morteza parsi...  a new member.
[12:42] KRAYMOND2: i am going to hit a few of their level 20's members if there are no objections
[12:42] SLSiCon: You good!
[12:43] SLSiCon: which alliance are youtalking about?
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: my army will be back home in 2 mis
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: did you see the report?
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: alliance bring it on
[12:43] KRAYMOND2: small weak
[12:43] SLSiCon: nope but Ill look now
[12:46] KRAYMOND2: well their king is already fried
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: as is their number 2
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: arghhhh:))
[12:47] KRAYMOND2: guess i got to swallow this onelol:))
[12:49] SLSiCon: he's a 16 you can still attcke with the 10 lkevel rule!  Go for it!
[12:50] KRAYMOND2: he's not worth any points
[12:50] KRAYMOND2: would just be revenge
[12:51] SLSiCon: His leaders might be fried because of his actions with other players....
[12:52] KRAYMOND2: probably
[12:53] KRAYMOND2: oh what the hell
[12:53] KRAYMOND2: revenge hit it is:)))
[12:56] KRAYMOND2: going to hit his castle and his outpost
[12:56] SLSiCon: Hey, revenge CAN be sweet!!!   LOL
[12:57] KRAYMOND2: at least i won't lose points for it
[12:58] SLSiCon: true
[12:58] KRAYMOND2: i've been crawling a long on points for viscount
[12:58] KRAYMOND2: this is really a waste of time but what the hell
[12:59] SLSiCon: hahahaha  maybe he'll learn a lesson or at least move on to bug someone else...
[13:01] KRAYMOND2: yup
[13:01] KRAYMOND2: those little stupid attacks are annoying
[13:02] SLSiCon: just a knat...  annoying
[15:17] KRAYMOND2: well getting ready to head out
[15:17] KRAYMOND2: cya all later
[17:09] sunny007: hello all my main all in fire againm

Thursday, June 25, 2015

SF USAF Chat June 25 2015

[09:41] KRAYMOND2: i want to research the alliance
[09:41] Thuvia: Thought of the lack of helo in other matters, meaning
[09:42] Thuvia: helo=help
[09:42] KRAYMOND2: got it thuvia
[09:42] KRAYMOND2: lol
[09:42] Thuvia: Crector is our leader, Klemal is our contact to the knights and the rest of  our family also
[09:43] Thuvia: Lubug was sent over from the knoghts to give us a hand in the diplomacy dept and such
[09:47] KRAYMOND2: yup o.k.
[09:51] SLSiCon: Our parent alliance is SF USAF Knights and our leader is GaryM.  He gives the orders through klemal.  I'm going to get in trouble AGAIN but MY leader is Crector, like Thuvia says.  I assume that he gets most of his orders from GaryM but I also know he runs a pretty good alliance for us here too.
[09:52] SLSiCon: If Crector is on and give me orders then I follow them.  If he is off and klemal geive me order then I follow them until Crecttor tells me differently
[10:00] KRAYMOND2: yup
[10:00] KRAYMOND2: got it
[10:23] KRAYMOND2: great win some more soilders i cannot feed:))0
[10:25] SLSiCon: LOL
[10:26] SLSiCon: It would be nice if we could sell them for food!!!
[11:04] KRAYMOND2: oops caps again:))
[11:55] SLSiCon: Kray ~ which thread did you say you started and had good info in it?  ive a few minutes and thought i'd look it up...
[12:05] KRAYMOND2: i started the alliance true legends
[12:06] KRAYMOND2: unfortunatley not many of my original players left
[12:06] KRAYMOND2: greenbucket of the current deputies i took on from level 6 lol
[12:06] KRAYMOND2: she is a 70 now
[12:06] KRAYMOND2: lol
[12:10] SLSiCon: WOW!!
[12:12] KRAYMOND2: the alliance description is very close to what i originally wrote
[12:12] KRAYMOND2: few monor changes
[12:12] KRAYMOND2: minor
[12:12] KRAYMOND2: oops
[12:12] KRAYMOND2: :))
[12:14] KRAYMOND2: i have not played for close to a year so  alot has happened over there i am sure
[12:15] SLSiCon: Absolutely.  I thought you said that you had started a thread on the help forum.   My bad.
[12:16] KRAYMOND2: no an alliance
[12:16] KRAYMOND2: they have grown quite strong
[12:17] KRAYMOND2: still the same membership level from whne i left though
[14:05] SLSiCon: ANyone checked on grimlet to see if he's been rebuilding?
[14:06] bmarocks: i sent sabs so i cant check now
[14:07] SLSiCon: okay
[14:08] SLSiCon: that's a good idea!!
[14:09] SLSiCon: I'll send a spy but the main castle is NOT burning anywhere
[14:19] KRAYMOND2: with all the hits he took he is definitly beating up the debit card:))
[14:50] Lubug: LOL I made a deal with them that if stubot made gimlit leave we would him alone and only attack gimlit.
[14:53] SLSiCon: hahahaha     Oh? Really?
[14:59] Lubug: Yep
[15:01] KRAYMOND2: hope he got a raise at his job:))
[15:01] KRAYMOND2: rubies get expensive:))
[15:01] SLSiCon: hahahahahaa
[15:05] KRAYMOND2: i'm still riding off lucky pennies:))
[15:05] KRAYMOND2: i have 6 left:))
[15:44] KRAYMOND2: well headed out for the evening
[15:44] KRAYMOND2: cya all later

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Alliance Chat June 24 2015

[11:54] Lubug: Gimlit1 was attacking or cousins OP's they wanted help now we have them are parent alliance and us attacking them
[11:55] KRAYMOND2: my attack on their level 26 will land in about another 2 hours
[11:55] Lubug: Okay good
[11:56] SLSiCon: Great! Kraymond!! I told Crector that you'd be in for this!
[11:56] SLSiCon: Fred will be sorry that he missed it.  He better hurry home soon.  tee hee
[11:58] Lubug: Just wrote a mass message about them for people who don't know
[12:01] Lubug: Oh an whoever wants an OP gimlits is far away but it has alot of ruby stuff such aslvl 3 stables
[12:01] Lubug: a lvl 4 bakery and more
[12:08] Thuvia: MSG from Stubot "Why are you attacking me?"
[12:17] SLSiCon: Because we are at war!  Tell him to talk with his alliance.
[12:19] Thuvia: He is one of it's deputies.  If he does't know probably few others do.  Were they informed of why we declared war?
[12:19] SLSiCon: I just received you message, Lubug and I don't agree. War means War.  We would not have went to war with the whole alliance if we didn't want to attack the whole alliance.  I would imagine that before klemel contacted Crector they probably tried to reason with gimlit and his alliance.
[12:20] SLSiCon: Thuvia ! I'm not sure who informed who and what took place before we were told to get involved...
[12:21] SLSiCon: When you have another alliance that you sub under this can happen.
[12:22] KRAYMOND2: i like it when they whine lol:))
[12:23] Thuvia: The allianc e that Gimlet attacked was referred to as our cousin not our main.  I am unsure of exactly what happened and don't want to reply when I am not sure and end up making things messier
[12:25] Thuvia: Their alliance msg also states Stubot as the contact point so I would think if anyone was told it would have been him
[12:25] KRAYMOND2: which is why before you attack read alliance description:)))
[12:29] KRAYMOND2: tell him today you have learned a valuable lesson
[12:29] KRAYMOND2: research before attacking:)))
[12:29] Thuvia: Stubot didnt attack anyone though
[12:32] KRAYMOND2: ya it kinda sucks when someone in your alliance does something dumb and everyone pays for it
[12:32] KRAYMOND2: but such is the game:))
[12:34] SLSiCon: Last night when Crector decided to declare war we discussed it in this forum.  He was contacted by our parent alliance and told to attack gimlet AND his alliance.
[12:34] KRAYMOND2: yup
[12:34] KRAYMOND2: happens
[12:34] KRAYMOND2: i have been on the recieving end before
[12:35] KRAYMOND2: it sucks lol
[12:35] SLSiCon: I agree Kraymond, maybe they should have thrown him out when they realized what he was doing.  That's what we do to members that we can't controll.
[12:35] SLSiCon: LOLOL
[12:38] KRAYMOND2: only way to do it
[12:38] KRAYMOND2: if you look up the alliance true legends on this server i started that one
[12:39] KRAYMOND2: and thats what i did you don't follow the rules your out
[12:39] SLSiCon: I will look it up, thanks!
[12:40] SLSiCon: Thuvia ~ I'll send him a message.  Thanks for letting me know that he contacted you.
[12:43] Thuvia: Thank you SLSI
[12:58] SLSiCon: Sent this.....     Stubot, You contacted Thuvia wondering why you are being attacked.   This is being sent in response to that inquiry. Apparently, You have let one of your members, Gimlet, get out of hand with our parent alliance.   Since you all are having trouble keeping them in line... we are all helping you do that!  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectively, SLSiCon
[13:03] KRAYMOND2: yup
[13:04] KRAYMOND2: that'll do it:))
[13:05] SLSiCon: ;-)
[13:07] Thuvia: Thank you :)
[13:12] SLSiCon: No problem.... anytime!
[14:16] KRAYMOND2: i was waiting all day for that:))
[14:36] SLSiCon: Good one!!
[14:53] KRAYMOND2: ya not bad
[14:54] KRAYMOND2: he had a lot of scouts he should have tried to hold at least one wall to keep me from getting the courtyard bonus
[14:55] KRAYMOND2: probably could have beat me
[15:39] KRAYMOND2: well getting ready to head out
[15:39] KRAYMOND2: cya all tomorrow
[16:00] SLSiCon: Bye

[19:21] Crector: The allaince that Gimlet1 attacked was S.F. STONECOLD and klemal is the Diplomat for all of SF USAF, not just the main alliance.
[19:36] Thuvia: TY Crector.  Gimlet musn't be a bright one
[19:39] Crector: Apparently not.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat June 23rd 2015

[20:44] SLSiCon: Is theire anyone in their alliance that we can attack?  If so then lets go for it!!!!
[20:46] SLSiCon: There are only 3 people in the alliance that we could attack because of our levels.  So it would have to be up to some of our lower level peeps.  Fred probably would and Kraymond probably would, they aren't afraid to attack
[20:46] bmarocks: i can attack the gimlet person
[20:48] SLSiCon: Crector there  is no one there that you could attack....  Thuvia probably would help.
[20:50] Crector: msg from the leader of SF StomeCold hacksaw4:
[20:50] Crector: lol sure jump in and have some fun lol he has spent alot of rubys putting out fires and buying horrors
[20:51] Crector: Night as well as declare war on them....its been getting too quiet around here anyways.
[20:52] SLSiCon: WHOOO HOOO
[21:01] Thuvia: Anyone have spy on he way to Gimlet yet?
[21:01] SLSiCon: Nope
[21:01] SLSiCon: Mine is still engaged elsewhere lol
[21:02] SLSiCon: Bma did!!
[21:02] bmarocks: i sent it
[21:02] Thuvia: Mine are on the way... may they not do their usual job of getting wasted in the local  tavern and getting caught
[21:02] bmarocks: Its gonna hurt him
[21:03] SLSiCon: Mine is on the way to Jackthelumber
[21:08] Thuvia: Is Gimlets castle defended by all attackers? Or am I missing something?
[21:09] bmarocks: Yeah
[21:09] Thuvia: Bwahahaha
[21:09] bmarocks: It seems he doesnt care if he loses and can easily replace them
[21:11] Thuvia: If he cant keep enough food in him main he'll lose them too
[21:15] SLSiCon: Are we all three going after him??
[21:16] Thuvia: I'm heading that way in about 15min
[21:16] Thuvia: Waiting on some troops from my op
[21:19] bmarocks: You are gonna hit tonight thuvia?
[21:20] bmarocks: my attack will hit in the morning
[21:20] Thuvia: Unless there is an objection to my hitting him?
[21:20] bmarocks: just want to know
[21:21] bmarocks: it would be pointless if any of us attacked a empty castle because someone attacked first
[21:22] SLSiCon: lets all decide who is doing what.  Bma you want his castle? Thuvia can take an outpost...
[21:23] Thuvia: I can hit an OP if you prefer
[21:23] SLSiCon: I just forwarded thier leaders report
[21:24] bmarocks: thuvia can hit the OP
[21:25] Thuvia: Will do
[21:46] SLSiCon: Thuvia ~ Are you hitting the one that you sent a spy to?
[21:49] Thuvia: Ya, after I hit one of thunders OPs for some food, then will send out
[21:55] Thuvia: You want that one?  There is another that might be more to my liking I think I'm going to hit instead
[21:58] SLSiCon: Naw, thanks thought, I'm hitting one of the other two.
[21:58] SLSiCon: maybe both
[21:58] SLSiCon: ;lol
[21:59] Thuvia: I was thinking of hitting gimlet2 is up to you though, dont care
[22:00] SLSiCon: OK you do that and I'll hit on  the outpost that you already spied on and then the leader of their alliance...
[22:01] Thuvia: Ok, just sent a report out from the lv 40
[22:03] SLSiCon: me too   lol
[22:08] SLSiCon: I left you gimlet2
[22:09] Thuvia: TY
[22:11] SLSiCon: sure thing!
[22:16] SLSiCon: Thank you, Crector!!  We needed this!  hahahaha
[22:35] Crector: msg from  klemal:
[22:35] Crector: We have declared War on the Crusaders