Friday, April 14, 2017

Tiger-Cats Chat April 14 2017

[11:29] Crector: From KingThistleClaw:
[11:29] Crector: no im not cheating but if you want war we can have one
[12:19] W. Churchill: this guy though
[12:59] Spatz: The only legit war would be with Thistle alone. Otherwise, yes, he would be "cheating" using other accounts to settle his dispute.
[13:04] W. Churchill: I'm loving berimond.... I've built up over 100k of reserve coin the past two days, hopefully it'll last for a bit
[13:05] Spatz: nice
[14:58] BLAKE_7: sup i am on for just 2 min
[17:52] Crector: Msg from becky4274:
[17:52] Crector: Hello            This message is in regaurds to your member W. Churchill Stealing 2 rvs from a member of my alliance. I would like to arrage the recap of the rv. These are screen shots of my spread sheet that i keep track of all our members rvs on and paste each of thes to your browser. It is one Food and one Stone RV in Ice. Please Message me back to let me know what you decide to do about this.This was also sent to your Diplomate Plesase asvie on how you would like to proceed                                       Respectfuly      Becky/Deputy Diplomate/ DL II
[17:54] Crector: KingThistleClaw is now showing as a member of Dream Legion II.  I'd imagine that there's nothing that we can do but to give them back.  I'd like to know Spatz's take on this is.
[17:56] Crector: DLII is an alliance with more lvl 70 memgbers than we have members.  We're no match for them.  However, I want to take our time and let them sweat a bit just because they could have contacted us a whole lot earlier.
[19:32] Crector: Quiet here......
[20:44] W. Churchill: would it be worth it to point out that ThistleClaw was not in an alliance at time of attack, nor for a significant time afterward?
[20:45] W. Churchill: or would that just be an excuse to escelate things
[20:58] W. Churchill: also, I imagine it wouldn't make much difference as RVs are often considered to belong to the alliance but you might ask DL2;s opinion on multi-accounting...
[21:00] W. Churchill: I admit I'm grasping at strws but I don't want to return the RV's unless that's the only option
[21:21] Crector: Let's wait for Spatz to come......
[21:21] Crector: Did ThistleClaw ever attack you?
[21:22] W. Churchill: no, that's the weird thing, he said he was sending caps twice... and never did
[21:55] Crector: If Spatz does not show up in 2 hours, I'll have to start talking to this becky
[23:04] W. Churchill: I've got to head out
[23:04] W. Churchill: let me know what happens with DL2
[23:17] Crector: ok
[01:30] Crector: Msg just sent to becky4274:
[01:30] Crector: Unfortunately, our Alliance Diplomat has not showed up the past several hours., so I'll try handling it.Is this KingThistleClaw guy a lonng term member of your alliance or not?  When W.Churchill took those 2 RV's, this guy made all sorts of blustery threats in such a way that a reasonable person reading them would think that he was threatening our member with multiple accounts.    He threatened to retake those 2 RV's but failed to even trry.  He kept on talking about DL2 without ever spelling that out.  Surely in a game this big, there have been other alliances with those initials.   He made those threats as an unaffiliated player, not as a member of an alliance.  He also failed to provide a reason why as an alleged member of a powerful alliance was he operating all by his lonesome instead of operating in a sub alliance.  If he either contacted us as an alliance member or got you to contact us and vouch for his bona fides, then we would have handled things differently.  This leads to the question, is this guy a long-term member of your alliance or not.  If he is, then we could arrange for the return of the RV's to him.  If he is not, then he's out of luck.
[06:58] DmoeWarrior: morning Crector... I believe this has go on long enough.. KingThistleClaw is no beetter the Boom Raosted
[07:03] DmoeWarrior: I would tell this deputy/diplomate that this person will be burned by us.. if you want to support him then you'll get the same for protecting abully.. I would not give the rsv's back Churchhill...
[07:04] DmoeWarrior: morning SPatz...
[07:05] DmoeWarrior: and Yes I've been following this rsv crap... lets just burn him and be done with it\
[07:11] Spatz: morning
[07:18] Spatz: ipap being sluggish this morning w typing. so i will try again later...touchscreen needs calibrationeeds ca
[07:18] DmoeWarrior: kk np
[07:23] Spatz: i got message  from becky of dream legion and screen shot she claims is their rsv registry.  unfortunately on ipad i cannot copy paste her links to investigatee.
[07:25] DmoeWarrior: well from what I've seens in chat.. this guy was a loner, making threats to churchill, thne joins a allience to protect him..
[07:25] DmoeWarrior: from all i've read the rsv's were taken fair and square
[07:26] DmoeWarrior: and to be honest 2 weeks plus with the same stuff is kinda foolish
[07:26] Spatz: notice now dl2 has added thistle to group and he stands out like sore thump among all the 70s
[07:26] DmoeWarrior: lol   sounds like BR bs to me
[07:28] DmoeWarrior: I'm going to make the time to spend more time on this... since he dosen't qant to shut his pie hole and were just going along with it
[07:29] DmoeWarrior: i need a shower... I'll be back later today
[07:34] Spatz: i had church do screen of thistle unallied.  i have copy too.  rvs were not stolen they were rightfully and fairly capped from an unallied player.
[07:49] Trask: Hi!
[08:05] Trask: I could use around 10,000 wood and stone if anyone has extra. :(
[10:22] bamaboy1: Morning yall.
[11:16] W. Churchill: Wanheda's OP is being attacked by armaansaini of central kingdom, sounds like an autowar alliance from their description
[11:20] bamaboy1: I can send troops, but they might not get there in time.
[11:20] W. Churchill: yeah, it's already too late
[11:21] W. Churchill: I came on about 45 seconds too late to get there in time
[12:08] Crector: Msg from becky4274:
[12:08] Crector: Good morning                 I do appoligise for the way he may have spoke i  will remind him not to shoot off at the mouth. Yes he is a long time member of the alliance and he was rejoining after a fisit to a sub. Again i appoligise for the way he spoke with you But  would like to arrange the Return of his Rvs.  He has been warned that  when an issue arrises he is to contact The diplomate or myself and we will handle it. I hope that in the futer if any one Clames to be with DL II you will  contact mem.  Please let me know when we can arrange the re cap of  kingthistleclaws rvs                                                              Respectfuly                       Becky/Deputy Dipomate/DL II

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