Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tiger-Cats Chat March 30th 2016

[16:36] CraftMoreCake: sorry. ment 551 bread
[18:04] Tousouchuu: thx
[18:25] tunnel master: received this from Pip....  hey tunnel master its me mintinpip former MightyPpip i accedently created a new castle and i forgot the pasword for my pip castle so i won't be playing in there anymore so bye
[18:29] DmoeWarrior: wow thats wild..
[18:29] tunnel master: yeah, I thought so too
[18:30] tunnel master: and already up to a level 13   yep
[18:31] DmoeWarrior: it's like u said last night.. teach them and they leave  sad
[18:36] tunnel master: yep
[18:36] tunnel master: oh well, loyal is were its at
[18:37] tunnel master: where
[18:37] DmoeWarrior: very true
[18:46] tunnel master: Crector  have you already upgrade the smitty or how much more wood do we need
[18:54] Crector: I thought that I made it clear that we need 200,000 more wood to upgrade it.
[18:55] cory1243: no need to be rude wow
[18:55] cory1243: your not going to get any wood talking you your team that way lol
[18:56] DmoeWarrior: lol
[18:59] tunnel master: Yeah, 17 hours ago
[18:59] tunnel master: was that count.  I saw donations since then  so thought I would ask   nevermind
[19:01] DmoeWarrior: well folks you all have a awesome night.... just sent more wood your way. oh do i have wood lol
[19:03] tunnel master: haha
[19:03] cory1243: hey bossy pants u have lots of wood to upgrade now... lol
[19:03] DmoeWarrior: so we need 500k total wood to lv the smith
[19:06] tunnel master: Creactor, you okay.  you are not usually so short.
[19:29] tunnel master: I'm getting off for the evening.  I'll see everyone in the morning
[19:43] Crector: The alliance smithy has now been upgraded to level 12.  Thank you all for your donations.
[21:30] Crector: Msg from Katrinka:
[21:30] Crector: You do not allow RV theft you DarkRider is taking mine in Sand.What's that about?Katrinka, General at NoblePoor
[21:34] Crector: I replied to her saying that there is nobody n this alliance named DarkRider.
[21:37] Crector: Sh replied that she meant DarkFighterz....we're going to have to have a talk with him to prevent this from becoming a war.
[21:41] Crector: Further msg from Katrinka:
[21:41] Crector: Evidenty.....David the Greek wants it.He told your man to take it.And DavidtheGreek has a million.I only have one.
[21:42] Crector: DarkFighterz has his box unchecked, so we can't see his armies on the map or at the alliance travel overview.
[21:44] Crector: Another msg from Katrinka:
[21:44] Crector: David the Greek is a Grumpy King.I won the RV from wa12bird in a war and they are now our sub.The deal was that we get the RV's and they can be our sub.Evidently David the Greek bullied wabird into holding a sub for him.Now he is using your man. This is not good. They are swinging deals behind your back.Kat
[21:45] Crector: cory1243:  Didn't tyou say that you were at one time long ago a leader with Grumpy?  Can you find oput what's going on, who tob believe or have any insight?
[21:50] Crector: Follow-up msg from Katrnka:
[21:50] Crector: Well trust 3 min look at Sands and see if he has an RV in Sands.He sent 41 troops and I on'ly have 20 there.You should boot him.HE is swinging deals with David the Greek and that GRUMPY will want paid for it.
[21:52] Crector: He just now has a RV in Sands, just like Katrinka predicted.
[21:53] Crector: HE will have 549:448 in Sands.
[21:53] cory1243: just kick him out
[21:54] cory1243: he has been nothing but troble since we got him
[21:54] Crector: The way I see it, I have no other choice but to boot him out.
[21:54] cory1243: its the best move i think
[21:55] cory1243: if grumpy king went war on us we would be done , they are way bigger then us
[21:55] Crector: I agree and he's out now.
[21:55] cory1243: my friends are not in that alliance any more
[21:55] cory1243: good choise
[21:56] cory1243: let that girl know u kicked him out. ur on her good side now :)
[21:57] Crector: My msg to Katrinks:
[21:57] Crector: Given both the evidence and the advice of our War Marshal, TheDarkFighterz has just been expelled from this alliance.  Have at him all you want, he's no concern of ours any more.

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