Saturday, May 30, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat May 30th 2015

[13:18] bmarocks: him
[13:18] bmarocks: Crector
[13:18] bmarocks: You want me to apologize to him?
[13:18] Crector: A couple weeks ago, I got a war threat from Imperial VSK.  I persuaded them to back dpwn and didnd't say anythhing about it, because I didn't believe the things that they said about you.  Perhasp I was mistaken.
[13:19] Crector: Yes, aplogize to both him and to cappyjeff.
[13:19] bmarocks: What did they say? and why did you not bring it to my attention
[13:20] Crector: Didn't save the msg's, it sounded a lot like you had insulted one of their membes and they did not like it.
[13:20] bmarocks: Hes doing a lot of shit talking to ever since i got burned
[13:20] Crector: I get some of theat too and just ignore it.
[13:21] Crector: Didn't your teachers and guidance counelors ever tell you not to react when provoked?
[13:21] bmarocks: Crector
[13:23] bmarocks: I sent a message
[13:23] Crector: Freemasons just declared war again.  Did you msg them too?
[13:23] bmarocks: No
[13:23] bmarocks: I had nothing to do with that
[13:24] Crector: What message did you send?  Could you please cut and paste it here?
[13:25] michbun: its probbly me
[13:25] michbun: I have  a freemason guy who attacked me in winter glacier
[13:26] michbun: I was going to send a counter attack
[13:26] michbun: I called it back just now
[13:26] bmarocks: You seem to be treating him special for declaring for just for him and onlyfor him because he was called out. Why are you denying it?
[13:26] michbun: I am in flames everywhere again
[13:26] bmarocks: he respond
[13:26] bmarocks: ha, does your mommy still call you cute when you throw a little tantrum like this. if it helps you sleep better (aside from the night light) then sure believe he is getting nothing but help from us and the only reason you can't handle this little 1v1 is because our whole alliance is picking on you. Poke that pesky little hole in your juice box and go wallow in your self pity with your collection of Care Bears telling them how unfair life is
[13:26] bmarocks: t seems that i rustled your jimmies since you turn to petty insults and with no arguement. This shows not only did i win against you, but against him too for he needed help in a 1v1
[13:27] bmarocks: I sent the last
[13:27] bmarocks: I got more
[13:27] michbun: then your not very bright
[13:27] michbun: im in flames because of some poor choice of words
[13:27] michbun: thanks
[13:27] bmarocks: You say that im worthless to you and you don't care yet you waste time and coins for someones elses own fight. Its proof that he needs help and will not fight if you wouldnt of declared war
[13:28] bmarocks: How has this been caused by me?  I didnt do any barbaric attacks against anyone whos already trying to fight a 1v1
[13:28] michbun: Crector, IM not on much but will start coming around more
[13:29] michbun: is there an alliance that you know of that is aggressive and would jump on an opportnity to get some glory
[13:29] Crector: Turns out that michbun launched an attac on them but recalled it ehern they declared war and now the war is over.
[13:29] michbun: may not be a pact buddy just someone agressive.... if you know of one I would contact them
[13:29] michbun: I owe that guy a hit in winter glacier
[13:30] michbun: I said it was me
[13:30] michbun: but I didnt provoke it in any way
[13:31] Crector: You can wait soe tiem to attack that guy in Freemasons...we're all walking on eggshells between the 2 alliances.
[13:31] Crector: some time
[13:32] michbun: not too happy or excited about being in flames again and having to put out more fires.... they attacked me ... I havent done anything to them
[13:33] michbun: they need a little message from someone bigger than them
[13:34] michbun: I bounced around a little before I got here
[13:34] michbun: one person that might help is brothers pact
[13:35] michbun: do you have any contacts with them
[13:36] michbun: ??
[13:36] Crector: Yes, through the main alliance.  Since Lubug isn't here, I'll msg klemal of the main alliance to help us.
[13:37] michbun: K
[13:37] michbun: I would really like to get a little payback for the fires at some point

[13:38] Crector: bmarocks:  Plz stay quied=t as reagards other players and other alliances other than to apologize.
[13:39] Crector: Pay them back in he futre ewhen things have cooled down....not right now.
[13:41] bmarocks: Apologies mean nothing when you are already humilated and laughed at
[13:41] bmarocks: Lets be honest here crector
[13:41] bmarocks: They arent offended, they just want a reason to reduce me to ruins
[13:41] bmarocks: i apologized
[13:43] michbun: how old are yoiu bm
[13:43] bmarocks: 17
[13:43] michbun: k
[13:43] michbun: its tough to handle diplomatic situations when your mad
[13:44] michbun: people tend to type things that get misread due to not being able to understand infletion on words
[13:44] michbun: sometimes you type things that are not bad to you but when read sound way worse
[13:44] michbun: just remember that when dealing with diplomatic situations and players
[13:44] michbun: Im fine and we are cool
[13:44] michbun: I just hate fires
[13:47] Crector: msg jsut sent klemal Alliance Diplomat:
[13:47] Crector: I asked for your email address since I want to send you stuff from our alliance chat.  Basically what heppened was that my deputy bmarocks got into a sparring match witha a HIVE member and insulted them  and that led to their declaring war on us....but they have not attacked us thus far.  Plz see what you can do,
[13:48] michbun: Crector... I used to be a pretty good diplo
[13:48] michbun: would you like me to open up negotiations with Hive
[13:48] michbun: Im about as level headed as they get
[13:49] Crector: Please do.
[13:49] michbun: let me see what I can do
[13:49] michbun: without stirring the pot anymore
[13:49] Crector: I'll; appoint you as 2nd Diplomat forst...give you some standing here.
[13:50] michbun: ok
[13:50] michbun: but I dont want to keep the title
[13:50] michbun: Im not on enough to earn that
[13:50] michbun: but a temp. title would probably help things
[13:50] Crector: I can drop you from the title when the war is over.
[13:51] michbun: K

[14:05] michbun: but I have been talking to one of them... Ronnie
[14:06] michbun: he agrees we need to end it quickly but cappy  has to be the g
[14:06] michbun: guy
[14:11] michbun: I will send a peace treaty over to them
[14:12] michbun: cappy is the guy that will decide
[14:14] Crector: Plz don't offer them tribute.
[14:15] michbun: I did not
[14:15] michbun: I dont believe in it
[14:16] Crector: good.
[14:16] michbun: however ...... if the cappy guy feels he was insulted and wants some that could be an issue
[14:16] michbun: thats why we need some fire power
[14:16] michbun: LOL
[14:16] michbun: be back in a bit

[14:37] michbun: most of the well respected island players do not hit mains there
[14:37] michbun: its to easy to win and too hard to defend
[14:37] michbun: easy honor to win or lose
[14:38] SLSiCon: Oh, snap!  Bma is 17 and Tob202 and his brother ride his bike to Mr. Awesome and Batman's house all the time,  am I the only old person here in this alliance!?!?   LOL
[14:38] michbun: ok let me try and smooth it out
[14:38] michbun: Im old
[14:38] SLSiCon: COOL!!!
[14:39] michbun: but I dont play a lot... job has me tied up
[14:39] michbun: I used to play all thetime
[14:39] GreatEgor: How old are you
[14:39] SLSiCon: I'm old and work at a family business so I can get on whenever.... but I have been on way too much.  It is very addicting!!!
[14:40] SLSiCon: 47
[14:40] SLSiCon: Probably too old to be playing games...
[14:41] SLSiCon: How od are you GreatEgor?
[14:41] Thuvia: Oooohhh... SLSi's oldern me... at kest for a cpl months :p
[14:41] GreatEgor: I am 46 just started.
[14:41] SLSiCon: hahahahaha
[14:41] SLSiCon: We ALL old !!!!!
[14:42] GreatEgor: I helep as much as I can
[14:42] michbun: 54.... my son plays too .. he is in college .. we share this
[14:42] michbun: he doesnt ever come on here
[14:43] GreatEgor: You are the ellder then.
[14:43] michbun: yeah
[14:43] michbun: very addicting
[14:43] SLSiCon: Ok, I feel much better.  I was waiting on CPS to be knocking on my door....  picking on this babies.  BAHAHA  Sorry Bma!  You still da bomb!
[14:44] michbun: usually the young ones get alliances into trouble and the old one get them out
[14:44] michbun: long cycle
[14:44] michbun: lol
[14:44] michbun: same in life too
[14:44] SLSiCon: YEP YEP
[14:45] michbun: if Hive will not settl for peace
[14:45] michbun: we should just start taking RVs
[14:45] michbun: over and over and over

[17:12] michbun: exactly LB
[17:12] michbun: but you have to know when to be forceful and when not to be
[17:13] michbun: Freemasons is not the problem
[17:13] michbun: Hive is
[17:13] michbun: due to bm verbal attack on cappy jeff
[17:13] michbun: I dont think Freemasons will bother us again
[17:14] Lubug: and this time was not one to be forceful.
[17:14] michbun: it was for me
[17:14] michbun: are we at war with them now?
[17:14] michbun: has he redeclared due to my discssion with him?
[17:14] michbun: no and no
[17:15] michbun: threrefore I think what I said to him had the desired effect
[17:15] michbun: without pissing him off too much
[17:15] Lubug: I stopped the war before you tried to
[17:15] michbun: but also leaving some doubt on weather or not they ever want to declare on s again
[17:16] michbun: you did
[17:16] Lubug: yes that is why I told you guys not to attacj them'
[17:16] michbun: but you didnt stop them from thinking they could redeclare at any time
[17:16] Lubug: *attack
[17:16] michbun: now they wont attack without thinking of the conseqenses
[17:16] Lubug: yes because there was no reason to scare them
[17:16] michbun: it was fun
[17:17] michbun: they wont mess with us anymore
[17:17] Lubug: we were sorta on an NAA
[17:17] michbun: must not of been too concrete
[17:17] michbun: the redeclared pretty quick
[17:17] Lubug: because you started to attack them
[17:18] michbun: congrats on stopping the war
[17:18] michbun: if thats what you want to hear
[17:18] Lubug: he told me if we caused them anymore trouble he wouldn't go so easy
[17:18] michbun: lol
[17:18] michbun: if he does it again things wont be easy on him
[17:19] michbun: either
[17:19] michbun: I dont like alliance leaders who make threats to smaller gys
[17:19] michbun: irritates me
[17:19] michbun: or used to when I played more
[17:19] michbun: still does I guess
[17:20] michbun: if they declare on us again Kings of Neph will probably declare on them
[17:20] michbun: I have a few buddies there
[17:20] michbun: one has already talked to him
[17:20] michbun: I think he got the message
[17:20] michbun: I dont feel like we will ever have trouble with them again
[17:21] Lubug: they wouldn't declare war on us if you didn't attack them.
[17:21] michbun: Hive is a different beast
[17:21] Lubug: yes they are
[17:21] michbun: Kon and Hive dont like each other
[17:21] michbun: Hive is not as big as Kon
[17:21] Lubug: Don't send kon on them
[17:21] michbun: so if push comes to shove I can use the same tactic
[17:21] michbun: but I dont want to

[17:22] michbun: that woul case a bloodbath for both sides
[17:22] Lubug: I still haven't tried to stop the war
[17:22] michbun: got messages to cappy jeff now
[17:22] michbun: he is the one to talk to
[17:22] Lubug: I have but I haven't
[17:22] michbun: Ive talked to two others who say it has to go through him
[17:22] michbun: but he hasnt messaged us back yet
[17:22] michbun: its crazy they declared on us anyway
[17:23] michbun: they are 10 times bigger
[17:23] michbun: last thing I want to do is get in your way Lb
[17:23] michbun: im not on enough to have a high stake in this alliance yet
[17:24] michbun: but ... I dont like logging on and finding Im in flames everywhere
[17:24] Lubug: it's not that crazy it was an attack in storm islands
[17:24] michbun: because somebody of low rank insulted a level 70 plus
[17:24] michbun: lol
[17:25] michbun: everyone should know not to attack in strom
[17:25] michbun: the only people you attack in storm are alliances that you can handle if war is declared
[17:25] michbun: you cant attack hive in storm
[17:25] michbun: LOL
[17:25] michbun: thats nuts
[17:26] michbun: that guy from freemasons is 5 miles from me in winter
[17:26] michbun: the one that attacked me
[17:26] michbun: at some point after things settle I will revisit that
[17:26] michbun: irritating
[17:28] michbun: I will say this
[17:29] michbun: if HIve sends a full scale mass at us ... which I dont think they will ... or if they demand tribute and we have to pay
[17:29] michbun: bm probably isnt the guy to be number 2
[17:29] michbun: lol
[17:29] Crector: So we should change our rules to say not to ever attack other players in Storm Islands?
[17:29] Lubug: Yeah
[17:29] michbun: probably a good thng
[17:29] michbun: but its not a nver never scenario
[17:30] michbun: its just dont attack the big guys
[17:30] Lubug: alot of alliances declare war if they get attacked in there
[17:30] michbun: they get pissed easy and are hard to handle
[17:30] michbun: it automatic
[17:30] michbun: no one has defense there
[17:30] Crector: We could agreee to that as part of peace with HIVE, but not as a unilateral concession.
[17:30] michbun: so its like your stealing honor from them
[17:31] Lubug: But if they have no alliance or there a little alliance we could attack
[17:31] michbun: I dont have any honor right now
[17:31] michbun: I need to get some
[17:31] michbun: yeah if we can handle them
[17:31] michbun: you look at thier alliance and think if we went to war with them how would we do
[17:31] michbun: and if the answer is we would crush them
[17:31] michbun: then you can attack
[17:31] michbun: if the answer is the opposite
[17:31] michbun: we need to avoid

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Msg's Concerning jackpirate May 20th 2015

From BBB82:

BeardedKnight just let me know that jackpirate has joined your alliance.  jackpirate sole an op from my granddaughter.  He was given three days to do the right thing and arrange the safe return of the op.  jackpirate did nothing, so yesterday we began pounding him.  He left or was booted from Stand By.

From Bearded Knight:

Please do not support.  jackpirate stole the op from a 6 year old in a no attack alliance.  He was not in your alliance when he stole it and he was in no alliance when I launched.  He is dishonorable and does not deserve to be in your alliance.  He is on fire because IF: Elite and Brothers Pact have been pounding him trying to make him give back the op so we did not have to take it and burn it more.  He did not.  Now you are messaging.

I am taking back the op that jackpirate stole from our no attack sub.  jackpirate was in Stand By and stole the op. IF: Elite declared war and gave them a chance to return the op/  The did not respond or return the op.  Then, jack pirate was no longer in Stand By.  Is he is your alliance now?

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Diplomatic Msg's May 16 2015

Msg from missymae:

why wont you acept the offer for 7%?

you attacked the guy and went against the rules they have clearly written?
why are you putting us all through this because you wont accept that you made a mistake and fix it?
we are at war because of you and you could have easily stoppped it.  i see no wrong in a strong alliance that had it clearly written what will happen carring through with that promise.  you were at fault by attacking that player.  this is your mess and you should clean it up without the rest of us paying for it.

Msg sent to klemal:

One little problem is that in Green  I sent heavy troops on  a long distance attack agains the lvl 32 player that I had attacked earlier in Ice,  that will not reach the target for another 43 hours and its too late to call them back.

If it turns out that the only way to end this war without paying tribute by instituting rules concerning not attacking below 10 lvls and not attacking castles in flames, then I would be open to that.

However, I don't see diplomacy succeeding until after that long range attack has hit its target.

Msg from klemal:

I forwarded his message to you that they would be laying off their attacks while you guys try to work out a diplomatic solution. As far as going it alone, don't you think that you should be messaging Gary about it? You do realize that I have no power or authority here, don't you? I put forward your concerns to Dianais and Whiplash as that is the limit to what I can do. I haven't seen Gary on here today. Have you tried Dianais...I see she is on at the moment.

Horsehoo is wanting to do a glory attack on me to burn up some troops....1800 to be exact and there is no one around to give me support even.
I don't mind it but I have just sustained a huge amount of load from rtecent foreigner attacks

Msg I just sent to klemal:

You are the Diplomat.  That gives you power and authority.  We have some attacks incoming on dominus.  After those, it will be easier to persuade the membership to make peace with them on their terms.  Assuming that they would be willing that instead of tribute, we'd beomce their sub since you guys have not shown yourselves worthy of having a sub.

P.S.:  missymae;  I just did a spy mission to dominus7 in Ice and found that he has but 1 soldier their , but I'm not going to attack him for the easy loot At least not until after my long range heavy troops attack has hit its mark and then we'll see if they are wiling to come to terms.

Msg Sent to Dianais:

You of all people should know how many times I've been attacked in peacetime by players who were well above 10 lvls higher than I and when my castles were on fire.  That makes it hard to believe that dominus is solely motivated by high principles.

However, I have enough respect for you that I will restart the negotiations with AgnosticPriest.

Msg sent to AgnosticPriest of domuinis:

After talking to Diplomat klemal & Deputy Dianais of the main alliance as well as other alliance leaders, I have learned that you guys have the reputation of being a peaceful alliance that hardly ever makes war on others.  This is important because I have had experience with other alliances, including some that I was a member of,  that talked a good game about high morals and principles, but were really nothing more than a bunch of bullies and thugs.

I don't want to pay Tribute, but am willing to change our rules to make it illegal to attack other players who are more than 10 lvls below us
and whose main castles are on fire.  I would also be willing to make a Pact with you guys and possibly become your sub alliance once we get the ruby bonus from Storm Islands to enable a name change.

Msg sent to AgnsticPriest:

Just put dominus on our no-hit list and will change our rules to fit in what you call "community standards"

In the spirit of peace and good will, we have some attacks on you guys that we cannot recall but here are the targets.  If you want, I'd be perfectly willing to provide comensation to the targeted players in the form of resources.

The Great Empire:


