Saturday, April 4, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat April 4 2015

[20:52] michbun: its 8 from me
[20:58] michbun: anyone
[20:59] michbun: 2 man alliance looks vacant
[20:59] michbun: no honor
[20:59] michbun: what do you think
[20:59] michbun: yes or no
[21:02] Crector: If you think that you can get one of their OP's without too much trouble, go for it.
[21:02] michbun: well if I can its close
[21:02] michbun: if they say something I can give it back
[21:02] michbun: no harm
[21:02] michbun: but they dont look active
[21:02] michbun: ok I will see if I can get it
[21:04] Mad trapper: sorry about that lost conection lol
[21:04] Crector: What's the name of the OP's owner?
[21:04] Mad trapper: well good luck
[21:04] michbun: its not much
[21:05] michbun: triforce eagel
[21:05] michbun: falconers
[21:05] michbun: slim pickens around here
[21:06] Crector: Here's one belonging to an inddependent player:  469:384
[21:06] michbun: yeah
[21:06] michbun: good find Crector
[21:06] michbun: thats only 16 away from me
[21:07] Crector: Here's another one:  479:383
[21:07] michbun: thanks
[21:08] michbun: gonna go for that first
[21:09] michbun: no avaliable food OPs around anywhere
[21:09] Crector: The members of the Falconers look like really good potential targets.
[21:11] michbun: IM going after the one you found
[21:11] michbun: and then the falconer one
[21:11] michbun: that will get me started
[21:11] michbun: thanks fo rthe help
[21:11] Mad trapper: good luck
[21:11] michbun: gonna check back in later
[21:11] michbun: going to do some laundry now
[21:11] michbun: later guys and thanks
[21:11] Mad trapper: ok
[21:29] Mad trapper: Hey there Crector can we use another member?
[21:29] Mad trapper: He's level 21 with 2 o.p's
[21:30] Mad trapper: .
[21:35] Crector: Full roster at the moment.  What's his name?
[21:35] Mad trapper: Eagle nest (Samuel F)
[21:36] Mad trapper: 3.2 miles from me.
[21:36] Crector: He seems to be inactive...been out of an alliance for a long time.
[21:37] tob202: King astun has not been on for over  7 days
[21:38] tob202: i meat austin
[21:39] Mad trapper: Eagle nest is active but he can't find any alliace to join.
[22:35] Mad trapper: SamuelF found a alliance called Rainbow Knights
[22:39] Mad trapper: nite all ...........
[22:45] Crector: If king Austin is not back by Monday, out he goes.

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