Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tiger-Cats Alliance Chat March 27 2017

[14:55] Spatz: I am just sending out Nomad attacks without even spying...there's a bonus on Khan tabs at the moment so just go in crazy
[15:10] Spatz: btw, Nomads are resetting soon after you attack one
[15:11] Julbowl: from christmas...and he attacked me today...:My dear friend, you have bullied me for some time. Now that the  bad karma has come back to you, I ask that you stop the harressment. My Daddy says this is just life but to me , it is so unfair!
[15:11] Crector: For the first time sinnce the summer of 2014, I'm down to just 84 gold coins
[15:24] Spatz: Christm@ss message....BWAHAHAHA!!
[15:25] Crector: Just achieved 75k might points and with that o200 more elite troops.
[15:25] Spatz: He'll be another one using all those demons to attack
[15:25] Spatz: careful
[15:26] Crector: Too bad I sent out all those long range expeditions....might need them against him.
[15:31] Spatz: gotta hit the road in a few minutes...have fun with all those demons!
[15:32] Spatz: BTW, no new messages from Bloodline....and I messaged all their leadership
[16:12] Crector: Don't see any signs of Christmas attacking anyone......
[16:17] Crector: Punk doing Captre Attack on OP owned by The Wanheda.
[16:19] Crector: Since he's the leader of a 2 man alliance, I declared war on him......have at him boys.
[16:22] Crector: Sendign the few defensive trooops I have left to support Wanheda and hired a mercenary general at 125 rubies to lead the force.
[16:22] Crector: Can't yoou guys help Wanheda out?
[16:24] Crector: This other punk in Bloodline is attacking Trask so I have to hire another merrcenary general to attack the punk.
[16:34] AugustusHero: I got wan
[17:42] Crector: Once again, I was defeated at a Nomad Camp.....I have never ever won a battle against them....how do you guys do it?
[18:16] AugustusHero: You need shields and make sure your equipment is top notch for your commander ie wall and gate helps because you can fit more shields and send 3-4 waves
[18:21] Crector: I should have a commander freed up soon, so we'll see how 3-4 waves do.
[19:51] Crector: Thanks Julbowl for protecting warzone's OP.
[19:55] Julbowl: I sent what I had...
[19:56] Julbowl: found some more at the lab...
[20:10] Crector: Here's something that I don't understand:  When 150 of these demons get killed they go to the hospital and the patients already there all disappear..  Is the staff tring to manipulate us into paying to rehabilitate the demons instead of allowing us to heal the non-ruby fallen troops?
[20:28] Spatz: OTHER punk in Bloodline attacking? WHO?
[20:42] Crector: Msg from GreatChristmas1:
[20:42] Crector: Don't pick on the little guy, my friend!
[20:43] Crector: kingryant
[20:46] W. Churchill: do you want me to knock out the occupation on warzones OP?
[20:46] W. Churchill: actually... that's a little far away for me :P
[20:47] W. Churchill: I can still do it... it'll just take a while
[20:47] Crector: Someone has too....I won't have any commandrs available for 2 more hours.
[20:48] Crector: Spatz:  Ddn't anyone ever tell you that its rude to use CAPS?
[20:49] Spatz: ok, so none of their leadership has responded today.  Then, Julbowl shares that  weird "Daddy says" message from Christm@ss....that Alliance is a mess.   Now, we get a  new bloodline member attacking and a don't pick on the little guy message?  Good grief
[20:49] Spatz: LOL....@CRECTOR
[20:50] Spatz: Overuse of or "shouting" in all caps, definitely is rude when it goes on and on for lines of dialogue
[20:52] Crector: If you want to declare war on Bloodline, you have my full support........
[20:54] Crector: Only 1 moremember needs to click on the support construction buttton and my siege workshp will be as good as new.
[20:57] W. Churchill: my travel diologue is gone wonky.... it says the lab still has support stationed at warzone's OP
[20:59] Spatz: I am looking at that war option more closely. I'd like to hear again from their leader but if Bloodline members are all rogue over there, that's going to change the situation.
[22:21] AugustusHero: What the heck is going on?
[22:23] Julbowl: Consider dude gone from Warzone
[22:25] Spatz: in regerence to what?   There's a mini war...a potential new war (Bloodline/GreatChritm@ss)...thousands of demon troops and food storages chocked full of food
[22:27] AugustusHero: Why are all these little turds messing with us? And why do we have to keep losing honor to deal with it? This is bologna
[22:28] W. Churchill: personally, I'd advocate for taking one of Christmas' OPs and then if no one wants it, abandoning it
[22:29] Spatz: there may be potential connecting sewer lines between these turds....
[22:29] W. Churchill: maybe that would send the message
[22:32] Spatz: I'm all for that Churchill...their leadership is not responding, their top brass is silent and Christm@ss is probably a 12 yo with a  dungeon full of demons now he wants to send out to play....and we had another Bloodline member attack as well.
[22:32] W. Churchill: I can make the cap but I gaurentee I'll need a lot of support to hold