Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tiger-Cats Chat August 30 2016

[21:45] badtothebone: other than I hit a million coins and top 50 in both challenges
[21:45] Spatz: omg..wow bttb!
[21:46] Spatz: i have nearly 70 reports in my box...ridiculous
[21:46] badtothebone: haha I bet I am at least 30 of them....
[21:50] Spatz: 12 spy attempts on an OP (driven off )  by same player IdrisRowan  of LOFShadowKings
[21:50] badtothebone: that is random....
[21:51] badtothebone: We have not had a beef with them...but that is who UW was with
[21:53] Spatz: yes, I thought so...and UW spied on me a little over a week ago but I did not let him know I had seen his attempts
[21:54] badtothebone: head on a swivel
[21:55] Spatz: mmmmhhhmmm...it's only a matter of time I believe before he tries to do something more than spy
[21:56] AugustusHero: I know a few people would be happy to hit him...
[21:58] Spatz: Well, we have a NAA with the Wizard's Tower he WAS with before he split that Alliance and now UW is under a new Alliance....which we do not have a NAA with....hehe
[21:58] AugustusHero: what? he split again? what a weirdo
[21:59] Spatz: yeah, totally bonkers meglamaniac it seems
[22:00] Spatz: oh Hellbound is the new Alliance he has posted ...and it's growing
[22:01] AugustusHero: I think thunders was talking about that earlier...not sure if he messed with him or not
[22:03] Spatz: well, as it stands, we have no agreements there. CastleLord11 went off with the split , btw.
[22:08] Spatz: Still on our bookmarks is Boom Roasted and I Lost...both need to be kept hammered down so they do not become players in whatever the strategy is he has brewing
[22:12] badtothebone: how is br not in ruins at this point?
[22:13] Spatz: Also, there is a player that got into the completely cleared BSK 175 Alliance ..Teddy something...How he got in there without an invite is the question since I turned everything off and cleared house before I left.   My guessis YouLost let him in (or let himself in using yet another mutliaccount).  Also, it seems some defense soldiers have been added now and then, which hints he does not want the place to go to ruins and may have plans for it.
[22:14] Spatz: Thus why important to keep hammering it to keep him busy and always off guard and busy rebuilding
[22:14] badtothebone: it doesnt look like any fires have been put out
[22:17] Spatz: Of course, we have plenty of vital daily and long term business we should always be focused on but we should not become lazy about monitoring UW and taking precautions to ensure his mess of nonsense does not rise again at our very doorstep....and potentially, with other alliances suckered into helping him
[02:54] Crector: Weird:  I've gotten 4 free mercenary moissions in just the past day.
[05:14] Spatz: G'Morning Tiger-Cats
[05:16] thunders: hey all
[05:18] Crector: hello
[06:55] dime no.1: .
[07:00] DmoeWarrior: hey ya
[07:10] Spatz: heyas
[07:28] DmoeWarrior: building 2 more boats on the island
[08:02] thunders: anyone need food
[08:23] Kaileena1313: morning all
[08:39] thunders: so clearly my last attack did nothing to help anyone
[08:40] thunders: alliance cities dont seem worth the effort
[09:27] Kaileena1313: wood to Outpost Kail II please
[09:29] thunders: 25 minutes
[15:24] allen17: hi
[18:19] Crector: Message from BBB82:
[18:19] Crector: Kathleen has an op 430:434.  That op was stolen from one of my members.  Not sure if your alliance had anything to do with it or not, but it was stolen.  I know because I personally bought the bakery in that op with my own hard earned cash.  We have attempted for more than a week to contact the player and your diplomat and no one contacts us back.  We want the op back.  Please contact me right away.If I do not hear from you, we will launch on the op to retrieve IFS property.
[22:19] Spatz: I see the message. When did this arrive, when was the op taken into Kthleen's possession - was it take with the blessings of our Alliance and do we wish to keep the OP or surrender it without incident?
[22:21] Spatz: I need to know the particulars, if the issue has not yet been dealt with and I need to know what TC's stance is on this particular OP.  Also if Kathleen has not been active,  is it wise to fight for an OP that may fall to ruins anyway?
[22:22] Crector: He meant Kailena
[22:23] Spatz: ahhhh...and she has not responded nor mentioned the message?
[22:23] Crector: The player in that alliance msgg'd us earlier and Tunnel Master dismissed it as some guy trying to make us give up what is rightfully ours.
[22:24] Spatz: I do not know the particulars on the OP nor how it was obtained but if it is ours by fair game, it is ours.
[22:25] Spatz: so who is BBBwhatever?
[22:25] Crector: I don't know the details, but my impression is that we did not get it from one of their members.
[22:28] Spatz: and to clarify, I have received no message on the OP from anyone. Som perhaps, that player is lying altogether or messaged someone else before the Diplo tag was on me
[22:29] Crector: Tunnel Master evidently did not feel that it was worth respponding to them.